Now Employees Will Get Conveyance Allowance during Vacations

Office of the Accountant General Sindh has issued Notification No. DAG/LEGAL/2015-16/CIRCULARS/30 dated 16-06-2016 in connection with Conveyance Allowance during Vacations.

According to this Notification, in compliance to orders of Hounourable Sindh Service Tribunal dated 23-12-2015 and 02-05-2016 regarding payment of conveyance allowance during summer/winter vacation to the employees of vacation departments. The Accountant General Sindh has been pleased to order for implementation of the above orders in letter and spirit. The operative part of the judgment dated 23-12-2015 is reproduced below:

“ It is held that the appellant and all the civil servants serving in vacation departments are allowed to receive the conveyance allowance during summer vacation and winter vacation. The vacation is a holiday and is not leave of any kind and the conveyance allowance during the vacation is not permitted to be deducted. The respondents are directed to pay the conveyance allowance to the appellant and all the employees of vacation departments who are entitled to the conveyance allowance during the summer and winter vacation.


Conveyance Allowance during Vacations


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22 thoughts on “Now Employees Will Get Conveyance Allowance during Vacations

  1. Honorable mam.u may plz dessiminate these information to all the answer seekers regarding Conveyance allowance deduction in summer vacations that the decree issued by the Sindh Service Tribunal is implementable on entire pakistan irrespective of the provincial differenciation under Estacode Article 212.So it is for the whole Pakistan vacation departments.

  2. Madam
    Is the order of Conveyance allowance during summer vacations applicable on Punjab Employees or it is only for Sindh Govt. Employees and also it may be applicable of college teachers?

  3. madam,in Punjab conveyance allowance is not given to employees living in govt. residences despite deducting house rent and 5% of basic pay whether in vacations or with out vacations.
    will there be any effect of this notifications regarding the payment of conveyance allownce for the employees living in the govt residences in the Punjab.

  4. Ilyas Ahmad Kaka Khel · Edit

    Respected Madam,
    Should it b applied to other Provinces too or is there any difference in their Service Rules ? Waiting for your kind opinion ,plz.

      1. Ilyas Ahmad Kaka Khel · Edit

        Respected Madam,
        I know that it is for the Sindh Govt. employees but I want to know your opinion about its admisibility to other provinces employees in future ? I think the very nature of the case is the same for all. Am I right or is there any misunderstanding of the matter ? So your kind & authentic comments plz. Wassalam

  5. Ilyas Ahmad Kaka Khel · Edit

    محترمہ السلام علیکم
    آپ کی راے کیا یے کہ آیا یہ دوسرے صوبوں میں بھی لاگو ھونا چاہیے ؟ یا کوی فرق ہے سب کے سروس رو لز میں ؟


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