Revised Basic Pay 2016 Calculator

A Revised Basic Pay 2016 Calculator has been prepared by Mr. Rashid Ali Jan, Lecturer in Math, University of Peshawar. This is a simple calculator for those employees who even not know abc of pay fixation. It is also helpful for the pay fixation on the basic of Revised Pay Scale 2016 chart. This calculator also helps to find the amount of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016. Some guidelines as as under:


Note: i) Enter/write ur Grade in the column 1, (From 1 to 22)
ii) Enter ur respective Basic pay as of June 2016 in column 2,
iii) Just click the Enter Key on ur Key Board
iv) Ur New Expected Basic pay will automatically appear in Column 3
v) 10% New Adhoc Allowance 2016 will also be calculated below



*Please Note That the Actual Values of All scales ll be released by the Finance Division Islamabad (which may differ a little to the above) in the First Week of July, this is just made keeping in view the formulas going on since 1972 in Basic Pays revisions. the difference ll be only a Rs.10 to Rs.100 at max depending upon the rounding of Finance division to the Nearest Ten or Hundred… i ll ammend this calculator when the accuarte data is notified later..


Revised Basic Pay 2016 Calculator


Download Revised Basic Pay 2016 Calculator


See also  Notification Extension Honorarium Teachers NCHD and BECS Sindh

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86 thoughts on “Revised Basic Pay 2016 Calculator

  1. I have joined police force in bps 5 on 03-06-2004.and promoted in bps 07 on 04-01-2014 then my basic pay fixed as 5800-320-15400=8360 but i think with 9 increments it shoulb be fixed at 8680.but pay slip shows pay stage my bpa scale upgraded from bps 07 to 09 & my pay is fixe w.e.f 03-10-2016 as 9860-610-14740 as i am in 13 th year of service with 12 increments but my pa slip of Nov 2016 shows 10th stage of pay but my coleuges pay stage is 11 in Nov 2016 but we joined police force same day.i am uploading my fixation details & Rwcent January pay slip it shows last increment in Dec & with 12 increments shows inly pay stage 11.Plz guide me what is pay stage it is related to every year increment i.e 10 increment = 10th pay stage or any other formula? Now my basic pay is fixed at 15350 in bps 9 with 12 incrementsplz guide me it is corrwct or not

  2. Assalam O Alaikum sir, i am Junior Manager HR in semi govt organization but our pay structure is different so, i want to use this type of calculator for pay fixation of my own employees on our criteria i.e adhoc 10 % and our pay scales have also been revised plz help ho to make excel sheet like this.

  3. Syed Sajjad Hussain · Edit

    Aslam o Alikum sir ,
    I am Sajjad Hussain .I want to konw about Honouria Azazey .which given once a year .kia ya sb servants kay leya hota hay ya surf officers or khas servents ko he milta hay .plz es baray ma mujay inform kar dain agar ap kay pas koi information hay es bary may

    Sajjad Hussain shah

  4. Hi this file is not opening in Excel 2007 it says it is protected when we try to UN protect this file it says enter password so thats why everybody is asking for password. Kindly guide in which version of Microsoft office it opens ???

  5. Dear friends, if u want to use revised salary calculator, first install,, Microsoft Excell Android Version,, and then download the calculator .
    It is very easy to use the calculator. Thanks to the developer.

  6. A.o.A
    Madem sahiba please app hama ye batawo k assistant package for death in service ha jo PM ne revised announced kia wo kab milanga,awr kissi ko mila hai…..please hamara duayna app k sath hain

  7. Dear ! W’d like 2 know about the calculator , the calculator calculates increase rate after merging 2 or 3 Adhoc Relief Allowances. Please share it. Thanks

  8. Why they merg 2015 allowance?…this allowance was on running basic it would have benefit more….2013 2014 allowances were fixed and was not on running basic.

    1. Salam… dear when u open the sheet.. and if ur computer shows enable editing… just click that… it works great… i have checked it for almost every basic pay and grade


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