Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. 3(1)R-15/2010 dated 01-07-2016 in connection with Special Conveyance Allowance to Special Employees.
According to this Notification, Rs. 1000/- per month has been granted to Special Employees of Federal Government with effect from 1st July 2016.
The conditions of the same are as under:
- It will be allowed to those FG Employees (Federal Government Employees) who have been appointed on Disabled Employees Quota or they have been declared/certified that as disabled by an authorized Medical Board thereafter during service.
- It will not be allowed during any kind of leave except Medical Leave upto one month or casual leave.
Dear Zahid khan thanks to send disabled special conveyance allowance to disabled employees kpk fiancé Peshawar by this notification is not endorsed to the accountant general of kpk and district account offices in kpk still now pleases send the revised and endorsed notification to accountant general and district accounts offices kpk because this notification is not accepted by account offices kpk.
I am disable having disability certificate on merit on open Merit also on disable quota.Madam if I select open merit seat I can avail conveyance allowance
Dear Muhammad Akbar I am not confirm about it. allownce hasil krnay ka kia tareqa ha phr?
Asalam Alaikum,
Dear, Is this Allowance is admissible to all federal govt employees, attached departments, Authorities like CDA and autonomous bodies if so may I please have a copy that order.
SALAM Medam Plz tell me that Special Convance Allownce sirf fedrel ka ha ya punjab ka bhi
Dear Hafiz M. Modasir, check the Notification of Punjab. I hope it also has been issued.
shumaila kamal sahiba ka email addres chahye send kar do
Dear Fazal kareem, my address is
Madam kia ye special allowance punjab m special employees ko bhi mily ga? budget main to iska zikr nhi kia gia
Please it’s increase in Converyance allownce for 50 % and We pray Allah bless for you working Powerful Disabled jobs open Pakistan and 50%. We problem disable rupees some emjoye govt.
if you have the notification for conveyance allowance of disable persons serving in punjab govt, please upload it.
Dear Adnan, the same is not yet issued.
Mam (50% increas in conveyanc allowce for late sitting employs) plz let elaborate that which departments or employees can get this 50% more conveyanc allownce?