Various Notifications Issued by Finance Department KPK Related to Government Employees

Various Notifications Issued by Finance Department KPK Related to Government Employees have been uploaded here for the info of the employees of KPK. The summary of the same is as under:


  • Notification of Increased in Pension 2016 for KPK Pensioners
  • Notification of M.Phil Allowance for KPK Employees
  • Notification of Increase in Integrated Allowance and Washing & Dress Allowance for KPK Employees
  • Notification of Special Conveyance Allowance for Disabled Employees of KPK
  • Notification of Revision of Conveyance Charges for Late Sitting Employees


Conveyance Charges


The links of these Notifications are as under:


Special Conveyance Allowance to Disable Employees 2016-17

Increase in Pension 2016-17

MPhil Allowance 2016-17

Revision in Rates of Integrated Washing and Dress Allownces 2016-17


See also  Reminder Upgradation of Computer Operators, Data Entry Operators Punjab

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29 thoughts on “Various Notifications Issued by Finance Department KPK Related to Government Employees

  1. Assalamualekum
    Sir i wanna know about the three years extension notification in retirement age of KPK govt servants. Sir if you don’t mind plz tell me about the notification that when you will b issue notification. If you already done it than plz mail me, that my father joined his duty.

  2. dear sir
    i was appointed as untrained PTC teacher in BPS 7 in 1987. i passed PTC on 2/4/1992 and was placed in BPS 9 on the basis of FA qualification. am i eligible for pre mature increment?
    asad khan kohat.

  3. Dear Sir,
    I am working as staff nurse as govt employee in punjab health department of Punjab I was on maternity leave in November 2017 to Feb 2018
    During this leave my following allownce are deducted.
    Conveyance Allowance
    Dress Allowance
    Mess Allowance i want to know which allowances are deducted according to rule of maternity leave.

  4. Qazi Nida Ur rehman · Edit

    AoA Sir,

    We are appointed as Data/Surveillance Assistant in BPS-11 on contract basis under PC-1 KPK. Furthermore, the post was advertised in BPS-16 through NTS and the Interview is also conducted for BPS-16. And now after regulation, they give us the same post in BPS-11 instead of BPS-16 as we expected, as you know the post of Assistant in all departments is upgraded to BPS-16.

    Need your advice and opinion???

  5. Dear sir i am appointed as junior clerk bps 11 in kpk on 31.5.2017.
    i got adhoc relief 2013 and 2015 but now they stoped it.
    may i entitled for this?

  6. Hello sir… i want to go for study leave for phd in china. my 5 years service is completed. can i avail study leave with half pay or no?

  7. Dear Sir,
    Aslamo.alaikum pehly to apki mehnat ka sarahta hn Glaxy world jesi mufeed website banay par. Aur sir aik request hay please mujhy K.P.K Government ka Financial Assistance 2006 aur uniform compansation pakage 2009 ka notification send kar dain please mujhy bhoot sakht zaroorat hay main nay website par bhoot search kia but ni milla. please send kar dainn. thanxs

  8. Abdul Manan SST &M.Shafique S/C · Edit

    Sir, It is humbly requested that I need application form (Group Insurance retirement banefit to civil servant of kpk) for apply the my case for prescribed payment.

  9. Aslam O Alaikum
    Kia Haal hain.
    Kia Ap bata saktay hain special convince allowance for disabled person ka wage type kia hai.??????
    5 Mah ho gaye hain abi tak mujhe nahi mila. main ne documents bi jama karaye hain jo ke meri disability se related hain

  10. Dear madam…. I am serving in judicial department as computer operator in bps14 and kpk finance deptt has recently upgraded the post of computer operator from bps12 to bps16… My question is that, whether computer operators bps14 are eligible for upgration in bps 16?

  11. Dear I was promoted from bps 12 to bps 14 on 16-10-15 and allowed 1 prematur increment now on 22-7-16 i got promotion from bps14 to bps15 my question is that may I eligible for president increment

  12. Dear Madam!
    Mai nai BSc Agricultural Engineering (4 years duration) UET Peshawar se ke. Es k Baad MS Agricultural Engineering mai Kia hai . Kia mai MPhil Allowance k liye eligible houn ya nahi?

  13. Muhammad Jahangeer · Edit

    Asalam o Alaikum dear.. KPK govt: ny apny employees ko Federl sy ziada releif dia tha.. us ki adjustment ab kesy ho gi.. kindly inform me.. thnx…

  14. Will revised pay scales of sindh government be same as federal government?if it is then what about 10% adhoc relief given by government of sindh?


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