Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 KPK

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD(PRC)1-1/2016 dated 19-07-2016 in connection with Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 KPK.

According to this Notification, the following adhoc relief allowances have been merged into basic pay:


S. No Name of Adhoc Relief Allowance Admissible Rate
15% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 Out of 15% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015, 10% shall be merged into basic pay and remaining 5% of the said allowance shall continue to admissible as Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 as admissible/frozen on 30-06-2016.
10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2014 Merged into Basic Pay Scales
10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 Out of 10% of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015, 7.5% shall be merged into basic pay and remaining 2.5% of the said allowance shall continue to admissible as Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 as admissible/frozen on 30-06-2016.


Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016:

10% of the running basic pay will be the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 for all KPK Govt employees.


Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 KPK


Download full Notification from the link below:


Revision in Basic Pay Scales and Allowances 2016-17 for KPK Govt Employeesd

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31 thoughts on “Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 KPK

  1. if some one worked on Government Sanction post of KPO in BPS – 10 on contract basis in Forest Department KPK. every year the contract was extended from time to time. after 5 years he joined the post of J/c BPS – 11 on regular basis…
    after 3 months he joined Education Department with same post of J/Clerk on proper channel.

    Total period
    from 02.03.2011 to 20.07.2016 (KPO contract basis in Forest Department) 5 years
    From 21.07.2016 to 21.10.2016 (J/Clerk Regualar basis in Forest Department) 3 months
    From 22.010.2016 to till date i.e 15.04.2017 (j/clerk regular basis in Education Department).

    Is he has any right of annual increment for five 5 years….
    We are trying to gave him the benifits of five years service. because no benifits was given to him. his service was count from 21.07.2016 and no annual increment was given to him yet..

    plz help me in the above matter.

  2. AoA. Kindly make assure.
    If a person appointed in pbs-12 is upgraded in pbs-16, then what about the ad-hoc relief allowances. Whether he will be assigned the same as he got in PBS -12 or he will get according to pbs-16. I am talking about ad-hoc relief of 2010, 2013, and 2014 of Khyber pakhtunkhwa government.

  3. koe faida nai howa PTI ko vote dy kar ghareeb ke salary wahe ke wohe or BPS 17 ke salary 10000 sy be zeyada ho gae hai . BPS 1 to 15 ke salary main 600 zeyada howa hai wah KP Gov wah

  4. I am working as lecturer BS-18 on contract basis in a university since 1-8-2016 please help me any with any notification /Court Case which can help me for getting me regular


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