Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division has issued Office Memorandum No. 1/13/96-R-6 dated 10-08-2016 in connection with Upgradation Ministerial Staff of the Federal Govt.
According to this Office Memorandum the following ministerial posts have been approved to be upgraded with effect from 1st July 2016:
Designation of Post | Existing BPS | Upgraded BPS | Remarks |
Assistant Incharge | BPS-15 | – | The existing incumbents are granted BPS-16 as one time dispensation. The post of Assistant Incharge BPS-15 are hencewith declared as dying cadre. |
Assistant | BPS-14 | BPS-15 | The existing incumbents are allowed Grant of BPS-16 as one time dispensation. |
Upper Division Clerk (UDC) | BPS-09 | BPS-11 | – |
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) | BPS-07 | BPS-09 | – |
The said incumbents are allowed annual increment falling on 1st December 2016. Further details about qualification etc can be read on the copy of the O.M.
Special thanks to Mr. Abid Afridi, Mr. Muhammad Usman, Asad Khan Tareen for sending the copy of the Upgradation Ministerial Staff Office Memorandum by Establishment Division.
Respected Sir
I have already been requested to please help me regarding searching of notification as mentioned in office memorandum of cabinet secretariat establishment Division letter no. 1/3/2008-R-6(pt-1) dated 04.07.2012 in para 2(i) vide number 8/2/74-F-II(r-6) dated 18.03.1986 regarding superintendent and private secretary .
Sir I shall be highly be appreciated to please uploaded that notification of 1986.
GOD Bless you
i m postal clerk BPS-09.
humra b abi tk case lga howa h. lkn pta nhi kb tk hum b upgrade ho gey
koi bta skta h sari update plz….
Dear Ejaz Jutt Allah say dua karo. My prayers are with u.
Dear Madam,
kia assistant BPS16 ko allowances 16 ya 15 ka mele gha Finance Division kia kehte hi Thank u
Sir a.a sir I am UDC in cmh slk or bi kafi LDC or UDC hain jin ka case abi tak final ni hua please solve the prob immed
ub ye to de do nawaz sahab . 20% special allownce ko b latkaya hwa he. ghareebon aur mulazimon ka b khayal karo mian sahab. plzzzzzzzzz….
Sir/Madam AOA
Mere Sawal ka jawab abhi tak nahin mila yeh jo khichri pak rahi he kab tak clear hojaigi please answer me as soon as possible?
Sir/Madam AOA
Ham Log Min of Def men PASB Sectt Ke Idare District Armed Services Board me as UDC/LDC Service Kar rahay hen Hamari Upgradation abhi tak nahin hui iss ki kia waja he please reply me as soon as possible take hamen zehni pareshani se chutkara mil sakay.
Finance Division issued Clarification to AGPR today regarding up gradation of Ministerial posts
F.No-2(4)R-1/2016 dated 28-11-2016
Any update about upgradation of clerks in BPS-07 to 11 and BPS-09 to 14 coz previous orders are stop through letter.
Madam, aoa, please intimate why the post of head clerk not mention with assistant in the notification, they both are in BPS-14. In 2007 these both were upgraded in BPS 14, now there is an ambiguity among both the posts. Please clarify whether head clerks have also been upgraded from BPS-14 to 16 or otherwise? The notification makers should also be inquired about the
I m statistical assistant in pakistan bureau of statistics divison, I want mutual transfer to any where in pakistan in other monistry. If anyone willing pl contact me for other information.
Assistant BPS 16 are Gazzated or not?
Aoa..madam finance waly final notification pay or allowances regarding up gradation kab tak issue hojae ga any news ?? kindly reply
jo assisstant 14 se 16 main upgrade hua hain un ko 2010 ka adhoc releif and incentive allowance 16 scale ke mutabiq milega.
I m assistant in pak army quetta I want mutual transfer from quetta to punjan. If anyone willing pl contact me 03126224811 adnan
Dear Medum AOA: PEPCO nay abi tak upgradation ka notification jary nahi kia ha, kia PEPCO staff upgradation allowed ha ka nahi
Why not use the right channel for their complaint for justice from Government by the Clerks of Federal Government regarding equal up-gradation because a forum of public complaint already available at Cabinet web site. Please write email every effected clerk to following address for implementation and justice of their rights.
Focal Person Complaint Officer
Mr.Shamim-ur-Rehman Mr.Muhammad Aslam
Deputy Secretary Section Officer (coord)
Madam, i’m udc in def and recently federal govt has anounced in the upgradation letter that henceforth the qualifying of basic IT training course from PITB will be a precondition for promotion and newly appointment. So, may i know that the said training course we shall do at our end or our depart will direct us for this? your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated. please.
I’ve heard that there is still some issue b/w Finance and Estab in adaptation of the up-gradation orders of Ministerial Posts and hence the AGPR is unable to sanction salaries as per new upgraded scales……………… Is it Right or any body can tell having some detail that why AGPR is not issuing salaries as per new upgraded scales despite the lapse of 90 days.
Some years ago the Federal Government up-graded and re-designated the post of Stenographer (BS-15) as Assistant Private Secretary (APS) (BS-16) and declared the post as Gazetted. Although, the basic qualification required for initial appointment of a Stenographer is intermediate. However, the Federal Government very enthusiastically declared the post of Assistant Private Secretary as a gazetted post and issued a circular that whosoever will be granted BS-16 be considered as a gazetted officer. Contrary to this, recently the Federal Government has up-graded the ”Post of Graduates” i.e. the Post of Assistant from BS-14 to BS-16 and hesitating to notify the post as a gazetted post. As we know that Article 25 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides equal protection of law to all. Under this Article all the Assistants are entitled for the same benefits as had been given to the Stenographers and Assistant Private Secretaries of Federal Government. Besides, all the Provincial Governments have provided justice to their ministerial staff. The question arises whether the decisions of our Federal Government fulfill the relevant provisions of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan or otherwise??? If the answer is in negation who will safeguard the provisions of the Constitution ???
I am a Senior LDC. Accordingly my scale after 16 years of service is 9.
Federal Govt has upgraded clerical posts. Where is my benefit ? Should i remain in same grade even after upgradation? Whereas my LDC friends in provinces have been upgraded in 11 BPS.
Is that justice???
No doubt we are thankful to the Government for upgrading the clerical posts. But I wonder, really wonder that an Assistant of a province is in permanent 16 grade and is Gazetted and an Assistant of Federal is given 15 (only existing Assistants will be given time scale of 16 and will be non-Gazetted), I wonder a UDC of a province is upgraded in 14 while LDC in 11 BPS, whereas in Federal UDC is upgraded in 11 and LDC in 9.
This is injustice which must be dealt with honesty.
Why govt is not ending up the story of up-gradation by giving LDC 11, UDC 14 and Assistant 16 permanently. Have a big heart, PLEASE. We do not want to knock the doors of courts again.
Moreover, in Sindh, The Assistant has been re-designated as Assistant Superintendent, which is a welcome and pleasing step by Sindh Govt. Assistants and other clerical staff must be happy now 🙂
Can we expect this pleasure????
Jb tk N League ki govt hai, bht mushkil hai bhai…
Listen me the basic qualification required for the initial appointment of an Assistant is Graduation, while the basic qualification required for initial appointment of a Stenographer is intermediate. The irony is that the Federal Government up-graded and re-designated the post of Stenographer as Assistant Private Secretary (BS-16) and declared the post as a Gazetted post. Presently, the Federal Government is reluctant to notify the post of Assistant as a Gazetted post. The thinking point is that as per the decision of Federal Government a person having intermediate can justify a Gazetted post while a Graduate can not. Although it is an admitted fact that 99% work of Sections and Branches is dealt by an Assistant and in so many Ministries and Divisions the work of Section officers is fully dealt by the Assistant while the Sections officers just play a role of signing authority. In autonomous bodies the assignments of Section officers are dealt by the Assistants which is an admitted fact. Hence, we request the Federal Government to kindly look into matter and provide justice to this suffering cadre in order to encourage them and to bring more and more efficiency in their official work.
Any body know about that why the Up gradation Order has not been implemented till date by AGPR……………… is there any problem
Der Sir/Madam I would like to ask, whether this up-gradation of clerical post be implemented in CDA, as CDA has it’s own criteria for up-gradation after some qualifying service. Waiting for reply and thanks in advance
Dear Ali Khan, I am not confirm.
Please go through the Memorandum of upgradation of Ministerial Staff it is clearly mentioned in para-2 that “shall be pre-condition both for promotion and initial appointment???
As per office Memorandum of upgradation of Ministrial staff how can possible to implement the instruction/order given at Para-3 in which Establishment condition to qualify the test from National Information Technology Board both for initial appointment and promotion of these posts, because only one office of National Information and Technology Board is situated in Pakistan i.e. at Islamabad in the country? how can possible for the people of other cities or FGE those residing other cities of Pakistan to get training of MS word for the fresh appointment and in service Govt. employee to qualified the said training for the promotion???
Dear Farooq Dar, it is for the new comers.
Iam working in GENCO-lll Accounts Assistant get 16 or not
This upgradation is for employees working in autonomous organizations??
Madam, Is there any chance of upgradation the post of Federal Govt Head Clerk from BPS.14 to 16 ?
Dear Muhammad Karim Khattak, there are much chances for the same.
I am assistant in pak army quetta, i want mutual transfer from quetta to any ware in punjab. If some one come to quttea plz contact me 03126224811 adnan wazir
Dear Army has its across the country, u should make your transfer to any centre of punjab
We all the Assistants and Ministerial staff of Federal Government are highly indebted and thankful to Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Javed, Mr. Sajid Matloob and our colleagues of Parliament House for their untiring efforts for up-gradation. By grace of Allah Almighty and by dint of their struggle the dream of up-gradation of Assistants has turned into reality. Although the Federal Government has failed to redress the grievances of Assistants like the provincial Governments. However, we hope that in near future Federal Government will also rectify this unjust decision and prevailing discrimination, which has created a sense of deprivation among the employees of Federal Government. At the end I salute all those who contributed well in order to achieve their goal and i hope that in future too they will continue their struggle for the betterment of the down trodden employees of Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.
2ndly guide wheather combined orders of upgradation of Assistant (from 14 to 16) will be issued and sent to AGPR for fixation of pay
separate orders for each incumbent will be issued..??
Kindly guide the steps to be taken for implementation of premature increment, if an assistant is upgraded from BS-14 to BS-16..??
Weather the pay is firstly fixed from BS-14 to BS -15, then an increment is granted in the same scale (BS-15) and then it is fixed in BS-16
The pay will be directly fixed from BS-14 to BS-16 and then an increment is given.
RESPECTED SIR! 1 taraf ie bat ho rahi hai k, newly promoted Assisstant will be upgraded to
aur dosri taraf ie hai K, head clerk will be upgraded to BPS-16, HOWS THAT POSSIBLE.
I heard from my department that one and half premature increment will be given on fixation of pay in new / upgraded scale. what are rules about this can you please guide what formula will be adopted for fixation. waiting for your kind reply.
Aslam o alaikum. Admin..
Meraa ek question hai please mujhe bataain kay me sindh province kaa sr.clerk hun aur mera upgradation huaa 04 august 2016 pe aur ab next december waalaa increament december main mujhe mulegaaa yaaa nahiii. Please reply
ministerial staff means all fedral staff or not. or it applicable on autonomus bodies like pepco or not. or it apply only to assistants or all type of assistants like accounts assistant, audit assistants etc. please ans my quries
Dear toheed, according to my knowledge in menesterail staff Assistants, Accountants, Supdts Clerks etc are included for any department.
aoa madam
computer assistants (b-14) under ministry of defense (lower formations) b
upgrade ho gy? plz reply
I understood that u are a employee of DISCO as LESCO etc. It is applicable to all catagories of assistant may commercial, account, audit etc.
what is pre mature increment
Dear noman ahmed, premature increment is an extra increment that is granted on upgradation, promotion etc.
Assistant ko BPS-14 say BPS-16 mil gaya hay.
Kiya Head Clerk ko beh BPS-14 say BPS-16 milay ga ya nahi?
Dear Anjum Masood, I hope yes.
I m Asst in BPS-14. My B. pay is now Rs21540/- after revision of pay scales. i m upgraded to BPS-16 as per Estb Div notification . Madam, what will be new basic pay. Reply must. Thanks
Akhtar Niaz sb abhi tak finance div ni notification issue nhi kya kion wajah kya our estb div ye kiasa notification kya hi k Assistant BPS-15 halank Budget main to Assistant BPS-16 kya hai ?
Asslam U Alikum: can this notification applicable for LESCO/FESCO and other discos employess please pass your comments
Government of the Sindh, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD(SR-IV)2-35/2014 dated 04-08-2016 in connection with Notification Upgradation Clerical Staff Sindh.
According to this Notification, the following posts in Sindh Province have been upgraded with immediate effect:
Detail of Upgradation is as under:
1Assistant SuperintendentBPS-15BPS-16
2Assistant/Head ClerkBPS-14BPS-16
3Senior ClerkBPS-09BPS-14
4Junior ClerkBPS-07BPS-11.
Last Sindh province reh gaya tha usne bhi kar diya
lekin Federal Govt ne kiya kar diya, ye hai Islami Jamhooriya Pakistan
Shame PML (N) shame
Allah kare k PANAMA LEAKS mein doob kar marr jaao
If a person is getting 19580 in BS-14 as basic pay, after revesion of 2016 pay scales.
Then where will his basic pay be fixed in BS-16?
my first opinion above is wrong all present Assistant in B-14 will be allowed B-16 but post actually will be B-15 for new employees.
as per notification of Estb Div,10.8.2016 all the assistant bill be upgraded in B-15 not B-16
only only time dispensation(mean all present assistant working in B-14) my opinion in as per notification the post of Assistant upgraded in B-15 for present employees not for all in future.The Correct position will clarify after issuance of notification of Finance Div,
moderation is enabled
Article 25 of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides equal protection of law to all, under this article all the ministerial staff of the Federal Government are entitled for the same benefits as has been given to the employees of Provincial Governments. Hence, the employees of Federal Government must be provided/ensured same opportunities of progress as has been provided to all the employees of Provincial Governments of Pakistan. However, this time Federal Government has proved to be very miser in this regard. Hence, it is requested that this discrimination may be redressed as soon as possible in order to rectify the the feelings of deprivation and financial exploitation of the Federal Government employees.
Assistants will be gazetted or not and will they admissible to get allowances of bps 16 like aps ?
now assistants will be gazetted or not please tell me about allowances of bps will be given to assistants ?? #Galaxy World # Madam
Dear habib, present Assistants will get the pay and allowances of BPS-16.
Medum Asslam O Allaikum, mujhi ye batao finance div Upgradation ka notification kion nhi kar raha hai wajah kya plz reply me
Dear abdul Karim, I hope soon the same will be clear.
I.T ASSISTANT bps 14 b bps 16 me upgrade ho gay kaya…..?
when computer operator is up graded vide remind letter No.SO(D)CMO/16/OT-47/0093740 dated 02.08.2016.
Kindly btaen kay jo new assitant BPS 15 m appoint hun gy unko BPS 16 m promote hunay kay liay kitna time lagay ga
federal clerical staff should fight for their right ……APCA should apeal in supreme court
This is Pakistan, called Islami Jamhoria , All Provincial Governments including Azad Jammu and Kashmir Government has already upgraded their Junior Clerks and Senior Clerks from BPS-07 to 11 and BPS-9 to BPS-14, But our Federal Government is not provide justice to Federal Government Clerks.
Assistant BPS-14 BPS-15 The existing incumbents are allowed Grant of BPS-16 as one time dispensation. MEANS ?
present serving asst will be in BPS-16 and new will be in BPS-15 ? ?
Dear khalid, Yes present will be in BPS-16 and the new comers are new promotee will be in BPS-15.
Madam. Establishment Division nay 10-08-2016 ko jo notification out kiya hay kiya us notification kay tehat Head Clerk ki post beh upgrade hogi ya nahi? Main Pakistan Railway main Head Clerk Houn BPS-14 main. Kiya mujhe beh BPS-16 milay ga ya nahi? Kiyoun kay notification main Head Clerk ki post upgradation ka zikar nahi hay.
Dear Anjum Masood, I hope you will be upgraded to BPS-16.
Madam! ye notification finance division ki website par abhi tak show nahi ho raha hay. es ki kiya waja ho sakti hay?
Dear Anjum Masood, It is issued by Establishment Division.
Dear Ma’m!
Kia SPS waly assistants ki posts bhi upgrade hui hn ya ni? Agr hui hn to un ka notification kb tk expected hy? Plz share if you r any other know…
What is meaning of ministerial post? That. Like 20 percent special allowance 2013 all ministries/division???
What is meaning of ministerial post?
What meaning of ministerial? All federal employees or only ministerial staff?
All federal staff of this catagory. Ministerial means madad gar helper
Any one who knows about the pre-mature increment
Dear Imran Ali, yes there will be premature increment.
Mam phir ab meri basic kitni hogi recent ye 15660 he in BPS-14
It means Assistants are not declared as gezzetted.
Realy unfair with ldcs & udcs as well.
that is not fair for federal govt clerks, all province are be upgraded in ldc 07 to 11 but here not equal to the federal staff, sada haq aty rakh.