Quota for Promotion of WAPDA Line Staff

Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pvt) Limited has issued Notification on 18-02-2016 in connection with Quota for Promotion of WAPDA Line Staff. The detail of the same is as under:

Quota for Promotion of WAPDA Line Staff

BoD PEPCO has been pleased to amend the PAKISTAN WAPDA (POWER WING) Technical subordinate (Line Staff) service Rules 1971 by allocating promotion quota to Diploma Holders (Three Years DAE-Electrical/Electronics) Lineman-I, Lineman-II and Assistant Lineman for the post of Line Superintendent-II on proportionate basis. The recruitment/ promotion of Line Superintendent-II would henceforth made on the following criteria:-

  1. 45% of the sanctioned posts of LS.II shall be filled through direct induction from open market having three years Diploma of Associate Engineering in Electrical/ Electronics (1st Division) from recognized Polytechnique Institute.
  2. 32% from among LM-I (Matriculate) on seniority cum-fitness basis.
  3. 13% from among LM.I (Non-Marticulate or illiterate) on seniority cum-fitness basis.
  4. 2% from amongst LM.I possessing three years DAE-Electrical/Electronics on seniority cum-fitness basis.
  5. 3% induction from amongst LM.II possessing three years DAE-Electrical/Electronics on seniority cum-fitness basis.
  6. 5% induction from amongst ALM possessing three years DAE-Electrical/Electronics on seniority cum-fitness basis.


Column 3 & 4 of Sr.No:02 stipulated in schedule “B” annexed to Pakistan WAPDA (Power Wing) Technical sub-ordinate (Line Staff) Service Rules-1971 and amendment made vide office Memorandum No:GM(HR)/HRD/A-448/2811-32 dated:05-10-2010 stand amended to above effect.

Special thanks to Mr. Memon Naveed Ahmad for sending the copy of the Notification regarding Quota for Promotion of WAPDA Line Staff.


Quota for Promotion of WAPDA Line Staff


See also  Provision of PER's 2022 and Result for Promotion on Scales from BS-16 To BS-19

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4 thoughts on “Quota for Promotion of WAPDA Line Staff

  1. Dear main khan khwar Hyde power station wapda besham power wing main line man 2nd fresh appointed ho 3 years assosiate diploma holder ho or Jo quotta apnea 5% bnaya he hydel main power wing main lago hota he k nai or main us 5% quotta k ley ahl ho k nai or mari next promotion LS II ho ge ya LM I or is k rulles office order kahan she mil skate hain plz help me

  2. dear me WAPDA (TESCO) me asstt line man hon aur me diploma holder hon. Dear ap ne jo Quota
    for promotion of WAPDA line staff k leye jo seniority rules bayan ki hain us ki tasdeeq me kaha se kar sectha hon.aur keya TESCO aur PESCO in rules ke paband hain k nahi.aur agar nahi to keya un k alag rules hain


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