Upgradation Ministerial Posts-Benefits Admissible to Assistants

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.2(4)R-I/2016 dated 28-11-2016 in connection with Upgradation Ministerial Posts-Benefits Admissible to Assistants.

According to this Notification, Based on the dispensation notified by Establishment Division vide letter dated 10-08-2016, it is clarified that the benefit of pay fixation in cases of upgradation of Assistants from BPS-14 to BPS-15 is admissible as on promotion in terms of Finance Division O.M of the dated 31-05-2013 while grant of BPS-16 to Assistant and Assistant Incharge as one time dispensation is not upgradation of post, therefore, fixation of pay in such cases shall be made 1st in BPS-15 by allowing the benefits as in case of promotion and then in BPS-16 at a stage next above to the basic pay admissible in BPS-15.

Special thanks to Mr. M.Arshad Saleem Economic Affairs Division M/o Finance, Islamabad.


Benefits Admissible to Assistants


See also  Notification of Local Holiday on 19th October 2019 in Lahore

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12 thoughts on “Upgradation Ministerial Posts-Benefits Admissible to Assistants

  1. Lutfi Qadeer Lutfi Qadee · Edit

    A Assistant in charge working @ Rs 38150/-Pm in BPS 15 was upgraded to BPS 16, the pay will be fixed @ Rs 38920/-Pm. Am I right? As the post of assistant in charge BPS 15 granted one time despansation .
    Kindly guide me, if I am wrong

  2. This is really unfair..with assistants no one is going for justice.?? shayad kar e dain gazzetted log shyd jaen keci forum py jaen…yeh to kuch b nh dain gy..sr auditor aur aps gazzetted unky brabar hiona chahye..kya wjha h punjab ma b assitants 16 ka hain aur gezztted hain naw….

  3. Aoa..rply for previous question awaited..And please only incremnt is allowed other benefits of bps 16 are not allowed ?? gazzetted post ?? and other allowances admissible to bps 16 ??

  4. Post of assistant has been upgraded as BPS-15 and only time scale given to them of BPS-16. So perk and privileges of BPS-15 are admissible to assistants except Basic pay which has been further fixed in BPS-16


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