Notification of Anticipatory Pension to Facilitate the Pensioners

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.9 (3)-Reg.6/2015- dated 13-01-2017 in connection with Anticipatory Pension to Facilitate the Pensioners.

According to this Notification, the undersigned is directed to refer to the above subject and to state that pursuant to the directions of Prime Minister and Superior Courts, the Finance Secretary held a consultative meeting with all the Federal as well as provincial Agencies responsible for disbursement of pension on 13-12-2016 to review and discuss problems faced by the pensioners in timely sanction/drawl of pension. It was inter alia decided that all Principal Accounting Officer would ensure that no pension case should be withheld for completion of documentation and NOCs etc. and that Anticipatory Pension may be sanctioned, as mandated in Section 19(4) of Civil Servants Act 1973 and further regulated under Articles 922-926 of Civil Services Regulations (CSR).

  1. Section 19(4) of Civil Servant Act, 1973 states as under:-

“If the determination of the amount of pension or gratuity admissible to a civil servant is delayed beyond one month of the date of his retirement or death, he or his family, as the case may be, shall be paid provisionally such anticipatory pension or gratuity as may be determined by the prescribed authority, according to the length of service of the civil servant which qualifies for pension or gratuity; and any over payment consequent on such provisional payment shall be adjusted against the amount of pension or gratuity finally determined as payable to such civil servant or his family.”

  1. All concerned are requested to implement the above provisions to facilitate early finalization of pension cases.
See also  Increase in Pension 2014 & Minimum Pension by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Govt


Anticipatory Pension


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2 thoughts on “Notification of Anticipatory Pension to Facilitate the Pensioners

  1. Engr Gulzar Ahmed Memon · Edit

    Dear Sir, I am grade 20 officers retired from Local Govt Department GoS. My services are not declared as CIVIL Service. GoS has allowed RS 12000/ per month as special allowance in Pension for Retired as well as In Service Employees . But FD GoS has turned down my request for this Allowance because I am Not Civil Servant. I am deprived of this allowance since my retirement wef March 2009. Kindly let me know what should I do. Regards Engr Gulzar Ahmed Memon karachi 0301 8239472.


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