Grant of Time Scale Upgraded Scale BPS-20 to Stenographers by LHC

Lahore High Court Lahore, has issued Notification No. 40/HR-III dated 31-01-2017 in connection with Grant of Time Scale Upgraded Scale BPS-20 to Stenographers by LHC.

According to this Notification, in exercise of powers conferred vide Finance Department’s Notification bearing No. Judl.IX(Home)/89 dated 08-10-1995 read with Sharaf Faridi’s case (PLD 1994 SC 105), the Honorable Chief Justice has been pleased to approve the following formula for Time Scale Promotion, by way of up-gradation, of the stenographers of Lahore High Court (Principal Seat & Benches) on satisfactory completion of prescribed length of service by the concerned incumbents as detailed herewith:


Present Basic Pay Scale Name of Post Upgraded Scale Mode of Time Scale Promotion by way of up-gradation & Length of service in this court
BPS-17 Stenographer BPS-18 After completion of 7 years satisfactory service in BPS-17
BPS-19 After completion of 7 years satisfactory service in BPS-18
BPS-20 After completion of 7 years satisfactory service in BPS-19


Special thanks to Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Ch for sending the copy of the Grant of Time Scale Upgraded Scale BPS-20 to Stenographers by LHC.


Time Scale Upgraded Scale BPS-20 to Stenographers


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One thought on “Grant of Time Scale Upgraded Scale BPS-20 to Stenographers by LHC

  1. Respected Sir.
    I’m working in Govt of Baluchistan Industries and Commerce Department as a Recovery Inspector (BPS-15).
    I just want to know that do you have any information about that said post up gration? Because our department don’t given us any further promotion. There is one another post Assistant Recovery Inspector in BPS 12 thy had given them a next Promotion in Recovery Inspector BPS15 after completing 3 years in service.
    I need this regard your help.
    Kindly send me your contact number or e mail for further correspondening.
    Thanks and Regards.


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