Minutes Regarding Upgradation Punjab School Teachers

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued letter No. SO(SE-III)5-61/2015 dated 09-02-2017 in connection with Minutes Regarding Upgradation Punjab School Teachers.

According to this letter, on the topic of Upgradation Punjab School Teachers, the following discussion/decision has been taken:

SSED clarified that he has already supported the issue in the best interest of the teaching and taught. In this regard most most of the spadework has already been done by the department and a meeting with worthy CM is required for final approval which may be held within next few days.

Consequent upon the approval of the Chief Minister, a request to worthy CM will be made to announce up-gradation of teachers in a teachers convention at the time of beginning of new academic session in April 2017.

Special thanks to Ch Waqas Hassan for sending the copy of the Minutes Regarding Upgradation Punjab School Teachers.


Upgradation Punjab School Teachers




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