Compulsory Verification Educational Degrees / Testimonials for Punjab Government Servants

Government of the Punjab Services and General Administration Department (Implementation & Coordination Wing) has issued Notification No.SO(I&C)5-104/2016 DATED 09-02-2017 in connection with Compulsory Verification Educational Degrees / Testimonials for Punjab Government Servants.

1          In pursuance of instruction issued by this office latter of even numbers date 24th December , 2016 and Chief Minister’s Office dated 23rd December, 2016, on the subject.

2          I am further directed to request you to complete the verification of testimonials / educational degree of the employees of your Department/ Division/ District including the employees of Attached Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Companies, Board, Agencies, etc recruited wise as under:

Sr.# Recruitment Period Deadline for compliance report
1. 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2016 05-03-2017
2. 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2013 05-04-2017
3. 01-01-2008 to 32-12-2010 05-05-2017


This may kindly be assigned “Top Priority” as the compliance report is to be submitted to the Chief Minister, Punjab.

Special thanks to Ch Waqas Hasan for sending the copy of the Notification of Compulsory Verification Educational Degrees / Testimonials for Punjab Government Servants.


Verification Educational Degrees


See also  Notification of Office Timings Punjab Govt during the Holy Month of Ramzan

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