Notification of Increase Family Pension Punjab Govt Employees from 50% to 75% of the Year 2010

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has already issued Notification No. FD.SR-III-4-108/2010 (D) dated 15-07-2010 in connection with Increase Family Pension Punjab Govt Employees from 50% to 75% of the Year 2010. This Notification is shared for the information of the needy/concerned employees for their guidance.

I am directed to state that the Chief Minister of Punjab has been pleased to increase the rate of Family Pension from 50% to 75% of gross or Net Pension, as the case may be, with effect from 1st July 2010.

No arrears amount on any part of increase in gross or net pension being allowed through circular letters will be admissible in the cases of family pension pertaining to the period prior to 1st July 2010.

Special thanks to Mr. Azim Ali for sending the copy of the Notification of Increase Family Pension Punjab Govt Employees from 50% to 75% of the Year 2010.


Increase Family Pension Punjab


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3 thoughts on “Notification of Increase Family Pension Punjab Govt Employees from 50% to 75% of the Year 2010

  1. 50 % s 75% nhi lgai pension increase hui jo . Ab28000 ari hy pension is par 50%_75%ktni bna gee . Air baqaya jaat ktna bna ga. 2010 as March 2020 tk 28000 la ri hy

  2. Sir 2018/12. Ko jo page uplaod Kia thaaa.
    Change date of birth wala.
    Muhammad Aslam ch. Wala wo again unload kary
    Show ni horhaa. Plz sir


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