Notification of Promotion Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners in Custom Department

Government of Pakistan, Revenue Division, Federal Board of Revenue has issued Notification No. 0932-C-III/2017 dated 20-03-2017 in connection with Promotion Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners in Custom Department.

Promotion Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners in Custom Department

The following Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners (BPS-16) in the customs laboratories at Karachi/ Faisalabad are promoted to the post of assistant chemical examiner (BPS-17) with immediate effect and until further orders. On promotion, they are posted as mentioned against each:

Their promotion will take effect from the date of their joining, subject to the condition that no disciplinary proceedings/enquiry is pending against them.

They will be on probation for a period of one year, extendable for further period, not exceeding one year’ provided that if no order is issued by  the day following the termination of probationary period, the appointment shall deem to be held until further order.

The officers already drawing performance allowance equal to 100% of basic pay will continue to draw it on their promotion.

The officers are requested to relinquish/assume charge, using online HMRS facility made available at all FBR field offices or by using IJP login.

The Federal Board of Revenue (Hqrs) congratulates the above-named officers on their promotion.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Rehan Ashraf, Assistant Chemical Examiner, Custom department for sending the copy of the Notification of Promotion Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners in Custom Department.


Promotion Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners


See also  Selection of Headmaster/Headmistress BPS-17 against 207 Vacant Posts in Sindh Education & Literacy Department Sindh-Decision of the High Court of Sindh at Karachi

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