Notification of Premature Increment Punjab Govt Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD.PC.10-1/78(Pt.III)(172/17) dated 10-04-2-17 in connection with Notification of Premature Increment Punjab Govt Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05.

I am directed to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to observe that there is provision of grant of annual increment, premature increment, notional increment and re-fixation of pay by allowing annual increment presumptive in pre-promotion scale, beyond the maximum of pay scale as under:

S.No Description Date of effect
1 Annual Increment beyond the maximum of pay scale 01.12.2002
2 Notional Increment beyond maximum of pay scale 01.06.2011
3 Premature increment beyond maximum of pay scale OR re-fixation of pay by allowing annual increment presumptively in pre-promotion scale beyond the maximum 01.01.2013


In view of the above the premature increment be allowed to the employees in BS-1 to BS-4  w.e.f. 01.07.2014 and to the employees in BS-5 w.e.f 01.07.2015 beyond the maximum of pay scale in light of Finance Department’s Notification No. FD.FD.PC.2-2/2012 dated 14.01.2013 referred in pare 1(3) above.

Special thanks to Mr. Akram Muhammad for sending the copy of the Notification of Premature Increment Punjab Govt Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05.


Premature Increment Punjab Govt


Premature Increment Punjab Govt Employees

See also  Notification of New office Timings Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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  1. I m regular from 2009.

    I m Mali at government maternity hospital
    Mangowal Gujrat.

    Hum edr 15 malazam 4 class k hn.

    Hum ko yeh allowenc NAHI Mila.

    Kia Hum issay hasıl kr saktay hn?

    R kasay?

    Please reply me.


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