Notification Grant of 4-Tier Service Structure Lecture Assistants

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification FD-PC-45-2/2003 dated 17-04-2017 in connection with Notification Grant of 4-Tier Service Structure Lecture Assistants. The detail of the same is as under:

Will the Section Officer (Service Matters Male Government of the Punjab Higher Education Department. Kindly refer to his   letter   No. SO(CE-IV)5-11/97- (P-ll) dated 16.02 .2017, on the subject above?

  1.    Finance Department conveys its concurrence to grant  4-tier service structure @ 3. 19. 36.  42 to the post of Lecture Assistant (BS-7) working under Higher Education Department. The breakup of the posts along-with designation as under: –
Nomenclature of the post with pay scale        Total


4-tier        formula

 @ 3 19 36 42

Bifurcation of posts with total number
Male Female
Lecture   Assistant (BS-07)  





        42%       497 524
Senior Lecture Assistant (BS-10)          36%       426   449
Lab Supervisor (BS-14)            19%        225    237
Lab Superintendent (BS-16)               3%           36     38


  1. The above service structure will be admissible subject to the following conditions:

(i)          Implementation of service structure will be made after framing of service rules incorporating therein against newly up-graded posts.

(ii)            All the up-graded posts of BS-10,14 and BS-16 will be filled in accordance with the service rules to be amended through Service Rules Committee of S&GA Department and through the recommendations of DPC on seniority cum fitness basis.

  1. Audit copy may kindly be got authenticated from the Finance Department after identification of all posts across the board (male and female separately).

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Shabir for sending the copy of the Notification Grant of 4-Tier Service Structure Lecture Assistants.


4-Tier Service Structure Lecture Assistants

See also  Notification of Restoration of Pension Dated 11th March 2013

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