Increase in House Rent Allowance, Medical Allowance and 10 to 15% Pay-News by Daily Sama

According to the Daily Sama dated 02-05-2017, Increase in House Rent Allowance, Medical Allowance and 10 to 15% Pay increase are expected by the Government in the coming budget 2017-18.

There is proposal to enhance Medical Allowance Rs. 2000/- per month for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-15 and for the employees of BPS-16 to 22, there is proposal of 6ooo/- to 12000 per month.

There is also a proposal to set the House Rent Allowance on the basis of Revised Pay Scale 2015. There is proposal of grant of Utility Allowance on the anomaly of the Provincial Govt employees.


House Rent Allowance


Increase in House Rent Allowance



See also  Fixation of pay on Promotion from BPS-02 to BPS-11 with Option and Without Option

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