Notification of Relaxation of Upper Age Limit upto 50 Years under Assistance Package

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division has issued Notification No. 8/65/2016-E-2 dated 21-04-2017 in connection with Relaxation of Upper Age Limit upto 50 Years under Assistance Package. The detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to refer the subject cited above and to state that the Prime Minister has been pleased to approve that further amendment shall be made in the initial Appointment to Civil Posts (Relaxation of Upper age Limit) Rules, 1993, after Rule 4D the following Rules shall be inserted:

”4E. The relaxation in upper age limit for widow/widower of the deceased government servant shall be relaxed upto the age of 50 years , for appointment under the Prime Minister`s Assistance Package”.

  1. Establishment Division issued/notified the above referred policy decision vide SRO 1004 (I)/2016 dated 25 October, 2016 (copy enclosed). However, it has been observed that after issuance of aforesaid SRO, references in this regard are being received in this regard are being received in this Division frequently, for seeking approval of the Prime Minister.
  2. In view of above, all Ministries/Divisions/ Departments are again requested compliance of the light of approval of the Prime Minister and ensure compliance of the directions of the Prime Minister, accordingly.


Relaxation of Upper Age Limit


Relaxation Age

Relaxation Age Limit


See also  Submission of PERs of Contract Employees of BPS-16 & Above for Regularization

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3 thoughts on “Notification of Relaxation of Upper Age Limit upto 50 Years under Assistance Package

  1. AoA DEAR MADAM Hope u will be in good healt. mam i am federal government employee working in bps 11 my department is allowing only twice a calander in year for throgh proper channel aply for higher scale, kia koi aisa rule hy meri service 14 year hy aur mai agy aply karna chahta hun but NOC nahi deta department sirf 02 NOC mily hain kindly guid me.


  2. AoA madam I’m a civil servant in a military training institute as a Naib Qasid on ad-hoc base I was enrolled in February 2013 .at that time my age was 29 years now I am 34 years of age and my Institute asked me that I am over age and cannot convert into permanent category so please give me some advice tell me about rule how can I get the permanent category please my mob number 0316-9205780

  3. Aoa madam. Hope u will be in good health. Mam I was federal government employee working in bps 9. I applied through proper channel for the post of SPS.4 and am selected.  Kindly tell me about fixation of Ad.hoc allowance 2010. Will that fix on SPS basis or remain same as was in BPS. As they are saying that they will give the ad hoc 2010 as per LPC which on BPS basis. This is big confusion


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