Notification of Amendment Travelling Allowance Rule Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD.SR-l/8-14/2016 dated 29-06-2017 in connection with Notification of Amendment Travelling Allowance Rule Punjab.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974, (Vlll of 1974), Governor of the Punjab is pleases to direct that in The Punjab is Travelling Allowance Rules 1976 as amended vide Finance Department`s circular letter No.FD.SRl-9-2/2010, dated 1 January, 1013, the following amendments shall be made with effect from 1 July, 2017.


In Rule 2.37 (i), the following shall be substituted:

In Rule 2.37 (ii)(a), the figure 3 shall be substituted with “5”:

In Rule 2.37 (ii)(b), the word “One” shall be substituted with “Two”

  1. After Note (3) of Rules 2.37. the following shall be inserted as Note (4):-

Note(4) Actual residential accommodation charges upto 5-dailies will be available on production of receipts as per existing rules. However, when residential accommodation receipts are not submitted only 2-dailies will be allowed to the government servant. =

Special thanks to Mr. Faisal Waheed for sending the copy of the Notification of Amendment Travelling Allowance Rule Punjab.

Also thanks to:
Mr. Muhammad Shafique
Assistant Director Accounts
Planning & Development Department,
Govt. of the Punjab,
PMU SPPAP Bahawalpur.


Amendment Travelling Allowance Rule Punjab

Travelling Allowance

See also  Notification of Declaration of Assets Held and Acquired by Government Servants 2016-17

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4 thoughts on “Notification of Amendment Travelling Allowance Rule Punjab

  1. asalamalekum, same basic pay rakne wale grad 15 aur grade 16 ke mulazim ki pension same hogi ya different. aaya 15 aur 16 ke pension farmole me farq hy ?


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