Notification of Revised Rates Daily Allowance 2017 Punjab Government

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD.SR-I/8-2/2015 dated 18-07-2017 in connection with Revised Rates Daily Allowance 2017 Punjab Government. Detail is as under:

In continuation of Finance Department`s Notification No.FD.SR-I/9-2/2010 dated 01.01.2013, the Government of the Punjab is pleased to revise the rates of existing daily allowances admission to Government officers/official’s, while on official duty within the country as under:

            BPS                 Existing (Rs,) Revised (w.e.f. 1 July, 2017) (Rs.)
Ordinary Rates Special Rates         Ordinary Rates              Special Rates      
          01-04             310          500           496           800
          05-11             390          550           624           880
          12-16             700          900           1120           1440
          17-18             1250          1600           2000           2560
          19-20             1550          2050           2480           3280
             21             1750          2500            2800           4000
             22            1750          3000             2800           4800


  1. Specified stations for special rates as notified from time to time are Hyderabad, Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Muzaffarabad & Mirpur AJ&K. Henceforth special rates shall also be allowed at Sukkur, Bahawalpur, DG Khan, Sargodha, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Murree, & Northern Areas.
  2. Daily allowance will be admissible only for the actual night(s) at the out-station for which daily allowance is claimed. Where night stop is not involved and if absence from Headquarters, exceeds four half daily allowance will be allowed.
  3. The proposed rates shall not apply where 20 fixed Day for operational suites are being paid with salary which will be admissible on existing rates.
See also  Notification of Upgradation of Ministerial Staff by University of Peshawar (UOP) & University of Agriculture Peshawar (UAP)

Special thanks to Mr. Ali Raza for sending the copy of the Notification of Revised Rates Daily Allowance 2017 Punjab Government.


Revised Rates Daily Allowance 2017 Punjab

Rates Daily Allowance 2017 Punjab


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3 thoughts on “Notification of Revised Rates Daily Allowance 2017 Punjab Government

  1. سر پٹواری کا فکسڈ ٹی اے ڈی اے کتنا ہے 16 ڈیلیز بنتی ہیں پٹواری کی اس نوٹیفیکیشن سے تو ریٹ 624*16=9984 بنتا ہے پر ابھی تک کچھ اضلاع میں 390*16 =6240 مل رہا ہے اکاؤنٹ آفس والے اس ریٹ کو نہیں مان رہے کیا یہ ریٹ واپس ہو گۓ تھے لیکن ابھی تک کچھ اضلاع میں اس ریٹ پر ٹی اے ڈی اے مل رہا ہے لیکن کچھ میں نہیں مل رہا


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