Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD/R/12112-12212/2017 dated 20-07-2017 in connection with Notification Revised Pay Scale 2017 AJ&K Government. Summary is as under:
The President Azad Jammu & Kashmir has been pleased to sanction the revision of Basic Pay Scales & Allowances with effect from 11 July, 2017 for the Civil Servants of Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, as detailed in the following paragraphs:-
Revision of Basic pay Scales 2017
The Basic Pay Scales-2017 shall replace the Basic Pay Scales-2016 with effect from 01-07-2017 as contained in the Annexure-l to this Office Memorandum.
Fixation of Pay of the existing employees:
- i) The basic pay of an employee in service on 30-06-2017 shall be fixed in the Basic pay Scales-2017 on point to point basis i.e. at the stage corresponding to that occupied by him/her above the minimum of Basis Pay Scales-2016:
- ii) In case of Personal Pay being drawn by an employee as part of his/her basic pay beyond the maximum of his/her pay scale on 30-06-2017, he/she shall continue to draw such pay in the Basis pay Scales-2017 at the revised rates. Further details are available at the copy of the Notification Revised Pay Scale 2017 AJ&K Government.
Download Notification Revised Pay Scale 2017 AJ&K Government