Estimated Salary Newly Appointed Employee 2017-18

I am here sharing the Estimated Salary Newly Appointed Employee 2017-18. It is for the Federal Government Employees as well as for the Provincial Government Employees who are recruited on or after 01-07-2017.

Estimated Salary for the Federal, Punjab and Balochistan Government Employees

Estimated Salary for the Federal Government, Punjab Government Employees and Balochistan Government Employees recruited on or after 1st July 2017 is as under:

S. No BPS Approximate Salary Pay Scale Wise 2017
1 Salary of BPS-01 Employee 15429
2 Salary of BPS-02 Employee 15671
3 Salary of BPS-03 Employee 16073
4 Salary of BPS-04 Employee 16461
5 Salary of BPS-05 Employee 17080
6 Salary of BPS-06 Employee 17548
7 Salary of BPS-07 Employee 18032
8 Salary of BPS-08 Employee 18553
9 Salary of BPS-09 Employee 19084
10 Salary of BPS-10 Employee 19606
11 Salary of BPS-11 Employee 21086
12 Salary of BPS-12 Employee 22082
13 Salary of BPS-13 Employee 23325
14 Salary of BPS-14 Employee 24540
15 Salary of BPS-15 Employee 25788
16 Salary of BPS-16 Employee 31616
17 Salary of BPS-17 Employee 47232
18 Salary of BPS-18 Employee 58605


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Salary Newly Appointed Employee 2017


Note: It is to mention here that some departments may have some extra other allowances too. Some employees may have washing, Dress and Integrated Allowance. Teaching Allowance for teachers and Ardali and Entertainment Allowance are also admissible to some employees.

Salary of Newly Appointed Employee Federal, Punjab, Balochistan with effect from 01-07-2017


BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA ARA-2016 ARA-2017 Total
BPS-01 9130 1337 1785 1500 764 913 15429
BPS-02 9310 1366 1785 1500 779 931 15671
BPS-03 9610 1413 1785 1500 804 961 16073
BPS-04 9900 1458 1785 1500 828 990 16461
BPS-05 10260 1503 1932 1500 859 1026 17080
BPS-06 10620 1544 1932 1500 890 1062 17548
BPS-07 10990 1589 1932 1500 922 1099 18032
BPS-08 11380 1649 1932 1500 954 1138 18553
BPS-09 11770 1719 1932 1500 986 1177 19084
BPS-10 12160 1780 1932 1500 1018 1216 19606
BPS-11 12570 1852 2856 1500 1051 1257 21086
BPS-12 13320 1960 2856 1500 1114 1332 22082
BPS-13 14260 2090 2856 1500 1193 1426 23325
BPS-14 15180 2214 2856 1500 1272 1518 24540
BPS-15 16120 2349 2856 1500 1351 1612 25788
BPS-16 18910 2727 5000 1500 1588 1891 31616
BPS-17 30370 4433 5000 1848 2544 3037 47232
BPS-18 38350 5810 5000 2421 3189 3835 58605


Note: Adhoc Relief Allowance has been frozen on the level as on 30-06-2017 and all the new entrants will get it on the initial basic pay of the pay scales 2016 @ 10%.


Note: HRA for the Rural/Other Cities rather than special cities will be 30% for Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK and Federal Government Employees.  Detail of 30% House Rent Allowance is as under:

House Rent Allowance 30%

BPS-01 891
BPS-02 911
BPS-03 942
BPS-04 972
BPS-05 1002
BPS-06 1029
BPS-07 1059
BPS-08 1100
BPS-09 1146
BPS-10 1187
BPS-11 1235
BPS-12 1307
BPS-13 1394
BPS-14 1476
BPS-15 1566
BPS-16 1818
BPS-17 2955
BPS-18 3873



Salary of Newly Appointed Employee KPK wef  01-07-2017


BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA ARA-2013 (5%) ARA-2015 (2.5%) ARA-2016 ARA-2017 Total
BPS-01 9130 1337 1785 1500 248 155 764 913 15832
BPS-02 9310 1366 1785 1500 254 158 779 931 16083
BPS-03 9610 1413 1785 1500 263 163 804 961 16499
BPS-04 9900 1458 1785 1500 272 168 828 990 16901
BPS-05 10260 1503 1932 1500 283 175 859 1026 17538
BPS-06 10620 1544 1932 1500 302 181 890 1062 18031
BPS-07 10990 1589 1932 1500 306 187 922 1099 18525
BPS-08 11380 1649 1932 1500 318 194 954 1138 19064
BPS-09 11770 1719 1932 1500 329 200 986 1177 19613
BPS-10 12160 1780 1932 1500 341 207 1018 1216 20154
BPS-11 12570 1852 2856 1500 353 214 1051 1257 21653
BPS-12 13320 1960 2856 1500 375 226 1114 1332 22683
BPS-13 14260 2090 2856 1500 403 243 1193 1426 23970
BPS-14 15180 2214 2856 1500 431 259 1272 1518 25229
BPS-15 16120 2349 2856 1500 460 275 1351 1612 26523
BPS-16 18910 2727 5000 1500 540 323 1588 1891 32479
BPS-17 30370 4433 5000 1848 860 517 2544 3037 48609
BPS-18 38350 5810 5000 2421 1075 649 3189 3835 60329


Note: Newly Appointed Employees in KPK will also get Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 @ 5% of the initial of the pay scales 2011. In 2013 there was granted 15% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 by KPK Government and in the Revised Pay Scales 2016 KPK, 10% out of 15% was merged into basic pay and the remaining 5% was frozen in the Notification of Revised Pay Scale 2015.

In the same way, newly appointed Employees in KPK will also get Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 @ 2.5% of the initial of the pay scales 2015. In 2015 there was granted 10% ARA by the KPK Government and in the Revised Pay Scales 2016, 7.5% out of 10% was merged into basic pay and the remaining 2.5% was frozen in the Notification of Revised Pay Scale 2016.

Salary of Newly Appointed Employee Sindh wef  01-07-2017
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA ARA-2013 (5%) ARA-2015 (2.5%) ARA-2016 (10%) ARA-2017 (15%) Total
BPS-01 9130 1337 1785 1375 248 155 764 1370 16164
BPS-02 9310 1366 1785 1375 254 158 779 1397 16424
BPS-03 9610 1413 1785 1375 263 163 804 1442 16855
BPS-04 9900 1458 1785 1375 272 168 828 1485 17271
BPS-05 10260 1503 1932 1375 283 175 859 1539 17926
BPS-06 10620 1544 1932 1375 302 181 890 1593 18437
BPS-07 10990 1589 1932 1375 306 187 922 1649 18950
BPS-08 11380 1649 1932 1375 318 194 954 1707 19509
BPS-09 11770 1719 1932 1375 329 200 986 1766 20077
BPS-10 12160 1780 1932 1375 341 207 1018 1824 20637
BPS-11 12570 1852 2856 1375 353 214 1051 1886 22157
BPS-12 13320 1960 2856 1375 375 226 1114 1998 23224
BPS-13 14260 2090 2856 1375 403 243 1193 2139 24559
BPS-14 15180 2214 2856 1375 431 259 1272 2277 25864
BPS-15 16120 2349 2856 1375 460 275 1351 2418 27204
BPS-16 18910 2727 5000 1375 0 323 1588 2837 32760
BPS-17 30370 4433 5000 1848 0 517 2544 4556 49268
BPS-18 38350 5810 5000 2421 0 649 3189 5753 61171


In the same way, newly appointed Employees in Sindh will also get Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 @ 2.5% of the initial of the pay scales 2015. In 2015 there was granted 10% ARA by the Sindh Government and in the Revised Pay Scales 2016, 7.5% out of 10% was merged into basic pay and the remaining 2.5% was frozen in the Notification of Revised Pay Scale 2016.Note: Newly Appointed Employees in Sindh will also get Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 @ 5% of the initial of the pay scales 2011 (Only for BPS-01 to BPS-15). In 2013 there was granted 15% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 by Sindh Government and in the Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh, 10% out of 15% was merged into basic pay and the remaining 5% was frozen in the Notification of Revised Pay Scale 2015.


Deductions from Salary:

There may be different deductions from salary for example GP Fund, Benevolent Fund, Income Tax and Group Insurance.

Special thanks to Mr. Taimoor Chattha for supporting to prepare this article.

Point Out Mistake:

Please point out any mistake if you see in the article so that I may correct it. The mistake can be pointed out in the comments.



See also  Special Allowance 2021 to University Employees @ 25% initial basic pay

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76 thoughts on “Estimated Salary Newly Appointed Employee 2017-18

    1. Dear BPS-17 the 12000 is the initial basic pay, 3500 is the annual increment and 67000 is the last stage. If the employee continues his / her service without revision of pay scales then just add 3500 in Rs. 12000/- and after 15 years the pay will be 67000/-.

  1. I am appointed 06/2015 as Assistant Director (BPS-17) in KP, later regular on 07/2017. But in salary didn’t get ARA 2013 (5%) and ARA 2015 (2.5%).. when I asked AG office official told the both ARA integrated in BPS 2016

    Thanks slot , when ever I had some issues I always get lot of guidelines from your blog.

  2. Assalam o Alykum dear respected kindly ye bataden gvt of sindh as a new vaccinators bps 06 ki total salary kitni hy health dept… or kindly hosky tu ye bi bataden k grade upgrading k baare me koi malomat hy apko regarding health dept sindh gvt vaccinators

  3. Sir. I am serving in Pakistan Board of Investment. we are getting Presidency allowance/P. wage code 1542 and Elec/Fuel Subsidy allowance PSPP wage code 2137. Can I have full chart showing these allowance ‘s ratio to each BPS. Please guide me in this regard.

  4. Respected Sir, I am drawing Basic Pay Rs.62999.00 (BPS-16) in March,18 .Now I have been Promoted to BPS-17 on April.18 ,How much pay and other emoluments I will get now on promotion. I am serving in Health Department in KPK.

    1. asalam o alykum many year you have served on BPS 16 whats the exact total salary for a person who is freshly appointed as office assistant BPS16.

  5. Dear Concern,
    Please elaborate it,whether it is minimum gross salary or net salary of newly appointment & if it is gross.what is net salary of BS 17 ?

  6. The Government releases quick statment of Government Employees ouse Rent , Medical and Convence Allownces equipments to all BPS 01 to BPS 22.

  7. Te requirement of justice is that if the Government remove all discipline in House rent , Medical and convence Allownces in BPS 22. because all te three entities are equally needed for all employees.

  8. Dear please tell what is current salary of FBR BPS-16 employees who are Inspector and also tell whether there is any bonus available to FBR employees

  9. Dear Sir,
    I am a doctor of grade 18, can anyone guide me, whether the allowances of house rent and utility change when basic pay changes on annual basis. Our admin staff is not giving us rise in Utility and house rent.

  10. Ref: Salary of newly appointed employees KP and Sindh.
    Please correct AR 2013 (5% on initial B. Pay 2015). It comes 336 instead of 272.


  12. I have offered a post of Senior Clerk in Danish School at Attock. Can you please let me know the total take home salary at that station. I inquired from that Deptt. They told me that the total salary including all allowance will more that 40,000.

  13. Muhammad Waseem Ur Rehman Khan · Edit


    Is main ap nay Contract Employees Ka Social Security Benefit in Lieu of Pension: 30% of Initial Basic Shamil Nahi Kia ha. Punjab main Mostly Appointments Contract Basis per hoti hain

  14. AOA
    This is a very good site for working persons
    Kindly send me the notification about free of cast education for blind person from Punjab government thanks

  15. Assalam o Alaikum madam I m serving in Bps 07 in Sindh Govt 4.5 years service Basic pay Now 13430.
    Now appointed Through Proper channal as Accounts Clerk Bps 07(10990) In same scale plz tell wt will be my basic pay after pay protection in New Deptt .Regards

  16. Dear madam shumaila. Aoa. I have been working as PST BPS-12 since 01-03-2000. My basic pay is 23,880/- on 31-10-2017. I have been now promoted to the post of HPST bps 14 and 15 on 3-11-2017. Plz fix my pay in BPS 14 and 15 on 3-11-2017 and then on 02-12-2017 whether I will be entitled to get annual increment in B-15 or otherwise. I will be obliged to you for this act of kindness for ever . If possible,plz email me the details of my pay fixation through email ID,”[email protected]” or Whatsapp No.0333-503-77-66. Thanks and regards.

  17. Dear,

    plz tell me about starting take home salary of FBR employees IIR (Inspector Inland Revenue) Grade BPS-16 with all allowance.

    and also confirm me that FBR employees take double basic salary??


  19. madam kya disabled qouta pe appointed employee k liye kuch benefits hain kya us se zabardasti kam liya jasakta hy unfavourable condition me

  20. Dear!!!!!!! please guid me
    i was appointed as computer operator in BPS-12 in april,2011 on adhoc/contract basis, now i am in BPS-16 and my services was regularized on 11 april,2017, what will be my salary now, please guid me tnx

  21. In punjab Bps. 09 are receiving HRA 1146 and bps.14 are receiving 1446. There is no news about HRA increment. You are showing HRA for bps. 09 is 1719 and 2214 for 14.
    Any reference?


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