Notification of Time Scale Promotion 2017 Punjab Government Employees

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD.PC.40-80/2015 dated 26-07-2017 in connection with Time Scale Promotion 2017 Punjab Government Employees. Detail is available at the copy of the Notification.

Special thanks to the following employees for sending the copy of the Notification Time Scale Promotion Punjab Government Employees:

Mr. Muhammad Adnan

Mr. Muhammad Sajjad

Mr. Nadeem Ashraf

Syed Mohsin Raza

Syed Atif

Mr. Irfan Munir

Mr. Akram Muhammad

Mr. Abdullah

EDO Agriculture

Mr. Muhammad Humraz

Mr. Abdul Basit

Mr. Azam Sajjad

Mr. Sami Ullah

Mr. Muhammad Arshad

Rai Muhammad Asif Khan

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Bhatti


Time Scale Promotion 2017


Time Scale Promotion


See also  Notification of Holiday on 1st May 2021 in Sindh

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32 thoughts on “Notification of Time Scale Promotion 2017 Punjab Government Employees

  1. Meray khyal me IMRAN HAIDER QURESHI, STORE KEEPER OF Spl. Edu. K saath ziadti hui hy. Us ko spl. Grade 19 dya jay. Are you agree?
    Kaam krna nhi scale mil jay

  2. AOA
    i m serving as instructor civil BS-14 and completed 25 years in same scale( in Punjab government)
    i have a promotion channel but not promoted up til now because there is no vacant seat of senior instructor (BS-16) of draftsman civil in Punjab TEVTA
    i hope that after 4 years i have been promoted insha Allah when i completed 29 years service

    any body help me that how i get time scale promotion
    M saleem

  3. Assalam O Alaikum, Anybody will guide me about a rule. When a permanent employee transferred mutually with one daily wages employee from one city to another city. Distance almost 350km. Permanent employee joins office after availing his joining period and daily wages employees released from office according to permanent employee joining date. Can both get joining period pay from same post. Please put rule.

  4. dos it applied on J/Clerk
    me appointed in BPS 5 on 21-11-2005 in service death Quata and Post Upgrated BPS 05 to 07 on 01-07-2007 and BPS 07 to 11 on 01-01-2015 now my service is approx 12 years Dose i am able to get BPS 12

  5. Ch. Muhammad Hanif · Edit

    Agr ap me sy ksi dost n finance department me sy is notification ki verification krwai h tu bta dain. Ya ksi department me finance department ki trft sy koi official copy receive hui ho tu be bta dy.

  6. Respected Admin, whether any one have preferred any writ petition against above said notification regarding employees who are presently working in BS 16 will not entitled for time scale promotion especially senior scale stenographer of BS 16. I am presently working in judiciary as stenographer in BS 16. Plz update. thx.

  7. Good Morning. Madam, main as a Sernior clerk ki post pr 07.10.1986 sy work kr rha hoon, laiken aaj tak mujhay promotion nahi mili, humari seniority list hi aaj tak nahi banai gai, kia mujhay bi two step scale milay ga. pease reply me.

  8. Nawazny or turkany mi waza furq hay. Junior clerk , Senior Clerk , Head Clerk and supern,tendant ko up grade scale 11,14,16,17 were given them simaltaniouly but left the stenographer, accounts& others employees to become victimization of the officers on the name of time scale promotion. Are not there definite up grade scale to them instead of promotion steps.

  9. AoA, Mad, Accounts Clerks Direct Post 27 post aj tak 27 year services ky bawajod Ps.No. 08 main bherti howy hain aur aj tak Ps.No. 08 main hain , jab ky J/Clerk , Ps.11 main S/Clerk. Ps.14 Main , Accounts clerk Ps.No. 08 main hain , 28 July,2017 Ky notification main bhi , Accounts Clerk Direct post ko Consider nahen kia gia. hamary sath esa kion ho rah hy, please infome me k Direct post accounts clerk up gradation ho ya naheen , thanks. AYAZ Taunsa , DG Khan .

  10. Data Entry Operators(BPS-12) have been given 3 steps time scale promotion but notification of upgradation of D E O from B-09 to B-12 is not available. Please provide a copy thereof.

  11. Respected Sir/Md.

    Telephone operator (BS-7) ko upgrade q ni kia gia???????
    Halankeh Punjab Govt. k kuch dept. men telephone operator (BS-14) men year 2012 men upgrade ho cheky hen.
    Junior Clerk (BS-7) se BS-11 men upgrade ho gia hi lakin telephone operator still BS-7 men hi. ye to na-insafi hi balkeh ye intishar pehlane wali bat.
    please dear Sir/Md. conveyed our voice to higher authority, please.

  12. Fazool hay yahan msg karna. Koi reply to karta nahi. Men nay 10 din pehly msg kia tha 27.07.17 ko but kisi nay respond he nahi kia. I m dissappointed. Sajid

  13. Imran Haider Qureshi · Edit

    Ye to store keepers k sath boht bari na-insafi h store keeper ki demand 12–14 thi or one scale upgrade kiya ye to zulam h stor.keeper 6 par thy or junior clerk 5 par wo 7 par up.grade huwy ham 6 Par hi fix rahy phr wo 11 Par up.grade ho gai ham6 par fareez ab Allah Allah kar k hamen up.grade kiya wo bhi 6 to 7 & 7 to 9 ye to boht bari ziadti h meri appeal h k please hamen bhi 12/14 scale up.grade kiya jay

  14. clarification regarding time scale dated 26.7.2017 is solicited that Selection Grade holder having promotion structure in rules firstly Senior Scale Stenographer then Superintendent, but due to discriminatory in rules there is no early chance of senior scale stenographer. Whether stenographer is entitled for time scale BS-16? There is ambiguity in two steps. either directly claim for two steps or on one step BPS-16 only. I am stagnant since 25 years and cannot promote as Senior Scale Stenographer in near future due to discriminatory in rules. Guidelines are required for fixation of scale

  15. syed ijaz hussain · Edit

    Madam kia ye notification genuine hay finance department ka notification hay aur sign chief statistical officer k kia koi justifiable hay ye

  16. When will the time scale promotion effect? from 26.7.2017 or 4.1.2016 ?
    What will be applied first on TRACER post, upgradation or time scale promotion?
    What will be the new grade if existing is grade 5?
    Please answer as soon as possible. thank you.

  17. Jo acounts clerks direct appoint hue hain remarks likh un ke sath itna zulm kuo kia gaya ha. Yeh remarks khatam kr ke un ke sath bhi insaf kare. Kuo ke yeh aik hi category main khulla tazad hai.

  18. Salam Dear Madam !

    Thank you very much for uploading the latest time scale orders for Punjab Government Employees working in BS-5 to 15. After reading these orders, a question has introduced in my mind.
    I am a Senior Clerk (BS-14) since 31.05.2017 in Agriculture Department in Punjab. I want to know that can i get the two higher steps after 10 years service?

  19. Salaam. Pls ye bataen k kia Accountant ki bhi upgradation hui hay ya nahi. Men punjab govt k aik deptt men accountant hon or mera scale 11 hay. Pls zaror bataen if u know. Thanx. Sajid


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