SCP Decision Regarding Four Advance Increments on Acquiring LLB

I am sharing here the Supreme Court of Pakistan Decision Regarding Four Advance Increments on Acquiring LLB  that was issued on 30-06-2017. Summary is as under:

The petitioners bettered and acquired higher qualification of LL.B during their service and in the incentive policy in vogue dated 22 January, 1965 which inter alia entitled four advance increments the department and so also by the Federal Service tribunal, on the ground inter alia that firstly such policy was discontinued in the year 2001 and secondly that such increment is subject to securing 2 Division in LL.B and petitioners were found dis-entitled in this ground  as they have qualified LL.B  in 3rd Division and or that such benefit is available to the employees associated with Court work. Review petitioners have approached this Count against the order dated whereby the leave was declined.

Further details are available at the copy of the SCP Decision Regarding Four Advance Increments on Acquiring LLB. Special thanks to Mr. Thirpaldas Khatri for sending the copy of the decision.


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Four Advance Increments on Acquiring LLB



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9 thoughts on “SCP Decision Regarding Four Advance Increments on Acquiring LLB

  1. kindly let m know that I have been retired as commercial superintendent in 2015 I have done LLB in second Divsion in 1987 am i eligible for four advance increments as per judgment of Supreme Court of Pakistan.Im a practicing lawyer at D.B.S Saidu Sharif Swat..

  2. Asalam o Alakum
    As Supprmem Court has set aside the order of the FST which was on two grounds. First was that it has been discontinued since 2001. It is therefore it is applicable on all those who have got qualified after 2001. What’s your opinion.

  3. Assalamo Alakum

    I joined government service in 2001 on the graduation bases. I completed my masters in English in 2002. Can I claim Advance Increments on the this bases of this order.

    Whether this order is applecable on me or not.

    Please guide.

  4. Sir as per orders of the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan the above orders has been allowed to all department of Sindh Government I am working in Karachi Development Authority and working in Finance & Accounts Department can i allow 4 advance increments on LLB degree

  5. Kindly tell me whether the Order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan dated 30.06.2017 is applicable to all the employees who have done LL.B after 2001 and onward?


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