Premature Increment Lower grade Employees on Move up One Scale wef 01-07-2007 (Railways Class IV Employees)

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) has issued Notification on 10th August 2017 in connection with Premature Increment Lower grade Employees on Move up One Scale with effect from 01-07-2007 (Railways Class IV Employees). Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 12-02-2013 on the above subject and to state that the competent authority (Secretary Chairperson ) has been pleased to approve the benefits of one pre-mature increment to employees BS-01-04 who availed  move up with effect from 01-07-2007 to implement the Finance Division`s O. M. F. No. 1(4).R-1/2009 dated 31-12-2012 in its true letter and spirit, circulated by this Ministry vide letter referred above.

Further action may be taken accordingly.

Special thanks to Mr. Hayat Khan for sending the copy of the Premature Increment Lower grade Employees on Move up One Scale with effect from 01-07-2007 (Railways Class IV Employees).

It is to mention here that Notification of Move-up/Promotion of Class IV Employees was issued by Finance Division on 31-12-2012.


Premature Increment Lower grade Employees




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