Grant of M.Phil Allowance MS Degree Holders and M. Phil Degree Holders

Higher Education Commission has clarified vide its letter dated 23-05-2017 in connection with Grant of M.Phil Allowance MS Degree Holders and M. Phil Degree Holders.  Detail is as under:

  1. Reference to F.No.3 (6)Imp/2016-Vol-ll-4 dated January 04, 2017 on subject cited above.
  2. Under the provision of Section 10 clause 1(o) of HEC`s Ordinance No. l,lll, dated 11.09.2002, the Quality Assurance Division of HEC has devised the Admission and Award of Degree Criteria for MS/MPhil/PhD/Equivalent Programs. As per HECs approved criteria (enclosed), there is no difference between MS and MPhil degrees except nomenclature. As such, there are two types of MS/MPhil Degrees that are mentioned below:
  3. MS/MPhil by Course Work (30 credit hours)
  4. MS/MPhil by Thesis (24 cred house course work + 06 credit houses thesis)
  5. It is further added that in some case, nomenclature was change from MPhil to MS after the introduction of BS and MS programs by HEC. As such following types of degrees are awarded as equivalent to 18 years of schooling:
S No. Degree Title Description
                    i a.       MPhil Degree (with thesis )

b.      Ms Degree (with thesis)

Both are equal degree, awarded after 24 credit houses course work. + 06 credit house thesis. There is no difference except nomenclature.
                    ii a.       MPhil Degree by Course work

b.      MS Degree by course Work

Both are equal degree, awarded after 30 credit houses course work . There is no difference except nomenclature.
                   iii Equivalent degrees of Other disciplines like Engineering. Agriculture, Law, MBA, etc.


In these disciplines, degrees are not awarded with MS/MPhil Title while degrees are equated to 18 years of Schooling.


  1. According to above referred Office Memorandum od Govt. of Pakistan, Fiancé Division, the Phil allowance is granted to these only who acquire/presses the degree of MPhil recognized by the HEC. However, in view of the above mentioned  clarification, all those who have MPhil recognized or MS degrees (18 years schooling) should be eligible to draw the allowance @ Rs. 2500/- per month.
  2. Forwarded for your favorable consideration, please.


M.Phil Allowance MS Degree Holders


See also  Notification of Establishment of Regional Cluster Officers of Prime Minister Youth Training Scheme (PMYTS)

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15 thoughts on “Grant of M.Phil Allowance MS Degree Holders and M. Phil Degree Holders

  1. Muhammad Alyas Shhaid · Edit

    Despite issuance of clarification on the subject by HEC, Finance Division has not yet issued any sort of revision. Govt departments are referring the previous letter of Fin Div. and not granting this Allowance to MS degree (18 years) holders……… They are too busy in resolving their ineligible Finance Minister’s problems, i think. Even I also have sent a complaint on PM Citizen Portal but still no response. I think there is no priorities about Justice, humanity and such discrepancies faced by employees.

  2. AOA
    any one have Punjab Govt. Clarification regarding MS=Mphill for availing Mphill allowance? if anyone have please share…

  3. recently govt of blochistan has also givèn m.phil allowance to MS degree holders. govt of Punjab has already clarified that MS degree holders are also eligible for m.phil allowance. but federal government is not serious to consider the reality despite of hec clarifications

  4. Finance Division’s reply is available at HEC site. Correspondence is till continue between hec and Finance division. Hope for best inshallah.

  5. AA
    i m Mazhar Abbas Saleem and working on contract in health dept..i have passed my M.phil in 2015..
    please guide me either contract employees are eligible for allowance or not..if yes than plz share relevant noification


  6. i am working in NADRA HQ, same issue here. allowance is issued to MPhil degree but not to MS although i have done my MS in Software Engineering from NUST.

    we all have to go in court , the case is very simple to get decision in favour of us.

    my cell number is 03085059325 for contact

  7. Despite issuance of clarification on the subject by HEC, Finance Division has not yet issued any sort of revision. Govt departments are referring the previous letter of Fin Div. and not granting this Allowance to MS degree (18 years) holders……… They are too busy in resolving their ineligible Finance Minister’s problems, i think.


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