Request for Upgradation Draftsman from BPS-10 to BPS-11

Government of the Punjab, Irrigation Department has submitted a letter on 20th September 2017 in connection with Request for Upgradation Draftsman from BPS-10 to BPS-11.

I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of application received from Mr. Muhammad Masoom, President, All Pakistan Technical Draftsman Federation, Lahore Division, Lahore on the subject cited above.

  1. I am further directed to inform you that the basis pay scale of Draftsman is BS-11 in instead of BS-10 this Department has already issued endured the copy of Finance Department letter No. FD. PC.40-80/2015 dated 26.07.2017 vide this department `s letter of even number dated 02.08.2017 (copy enclosed) wherein, the post od Draftsman up –graded from (BS-11) to (BS-13).
  2. You are hereby advised that Draftsman may be granted BS-11 instead of BS-10 prior to up-gradation in BS-13 under the rule.

Special thanks to Mr. Kaleem Ullah for sending the copy of the letter of Request for Upgradation Draftsman from BPS-10 to BPS-11.


Upgradation Draftsman


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