Honourable Judges will Write Judge Instead of Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss with Their Names

Lahore High Court Lahore has issued Notification No. 367 dated 16-10-2017 in connection with Honourable Judges will Write Judge Instead of Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Miss with their Names. Detail is as under:

The Hon`ble Chief Justice has been pleased to direct that henoforth all the Judges of District  Judiciary in the Punjab shall write “Judge” before their names and shall not use Mr., Ms., Mrs. Or Miss with their names. The name plates outside their court rooms shall be in the names and style i.e:-

  •        Judge Abid Hussain Qureshi,

District &  Sessions Judge.

  •        Judge Tajammal Shahzad Ch,

Additional District & Sessions Judge.

  •          Judge Salma Ralasat,

Senior Civil  Judge (Admn).

  •  Judge Shazia Munawar  Makhdoom ,

Civil Judge 1 Class

  • Judge Muhammad Ramzan, Magistrate

1 Class

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification.


Honourable Judges


See also  Allotment of New Head of Accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Federal/Provincial and District Government

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