Islamabad High Court has issued its decision on 17-10-2017 in connection with Prime Minister Assistance Package 2014. Detail is available at the copy of the decision.
Special thanks to Mr. Haider Ali Advocate for sending the copy of the decision of Prime Minister Assistance Package 2014.
According to the decision the court has allowed prime minister Assistance package 2014 Federal Government Effective 15-6-2013 to 9-2-2015.
Dear Sir,
Can you please share the latest calculation sheet for PM Assistance Package for Federal Government Employee.
Any friend will sent clear copy judgement of W.P. No. 1122 of 2016 & Intra Court Appeal judgement which is Govt. has lost the case
i want to know that this prime minister package is applicable all employ who died during service or only applicable those employ who died accidently during service plz guide me…
jazak ALLAh
Dear Muhammad Arsalan it is for all.
Main bh ye case jeeta hun mera waqeel Sajjad adv thy ab fop wale ica ma chale gay hain 19 ko hearing hai
Dear Haider Ali Many thanks for fighting the rights of families of Deceased employees. Well done.
The full court decision is not downloadable kindly send a copy or allow for the same for download please.
Sir what is the status of Intra Court Appeal?
I think the Government is waiting for the August Court to come up with a decision so that they could go into policy matter.
My view point may please be endorsed if correct or otherwise.
Assalam o Alaikum sir i want to know that prime minister assistant package employee confirm or not and you know multan case who move case againt railway government
good one
pls spread it to other departments for their help.
Thanx to our Lawyer Mr. Haider Ali Sb.
Its a great achievement for us and for others from Mr. Haider Ali Sb who took personal interest in this case.
May ALLAH lead you to more successes.
Shahaan Zulfiqar from FBR
Thankyou galaxy for your kind comments… Juris Corp really appriciate your co opration and efforts for the employees.
Sir i want your mobile phone number for consultation on Assistance Packages
Sir/Maddm Asalam o Alaikum, I want to inform that How can I see/receive my pay slip I am Sindh Govt. Employee. Thanks.
Dear Abdul Rehman u should register in PIFRA website.
Thankyou admin for posting the detailed judgement of isb high court and our law FIRM is ever ready to help the employees and safeguards their rights for details contact HAIDER ALI 0304 5000033
Dear Haider Ali you really done a great job for the needy ones.