Notification of Revised Rates Overtime Allowance 2017

Quaid-i-Azam University Admission Section has issued Notification on 22-11-2017 in connection with Revised Rates Overtime Allowance 2017. Detail is as under:

The Vice-Chancellor has been pleased to enhance the following rate of Overtime Allowance as pet Syndicate decision of the University @ 60% on the initial of Revised Basis Pay Scales 2017 with immediate effect under:-


              BPS            Basic Pay      New Revised Rate

         (225 hours)

    Maximum 60%
                 1                  9130/-                 41              5478/-
                 2                  9310/-                 41              5586/-
                 3                  9610/-                 43              5765/-
                 4                  9900/-                 44              5940/-
                 5                  10260/-                 46              6156/-
                 6                  10620/-                 47              6372/-
                 7                  10990/-                 49              6594/-
                 8                  11380/-                 51              6828/-
                 9                 11770/-                 52              7062/-
                 10                 11160/-                 54              7296/-
                 11                 12570/-                 56              7542/-
                 12                 133220/-                 59              7992/-
                 13                 14260/-                 63              8445/-
                 14                 15180/-                 67               9108/-
                 15                 16120/-                 72               9672/-
                 16                 18910/-                 154               11346/-
                 17                 30370/-                 135               18222/-



Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Revised Rates Overtime Allowance 2017.


Revised Rates Overtime Allowance 2017


See also  Decisions Made for Employees / Government Offices KPK

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