Increase in Salary of Federal Govt and Provincial Govt Employees after Annual Increment 2017

I am sharing here the detail of increase in salary of Federal Govt Employees as well as the provincial Govt employees after granting the annual increment 2017. Detail is as under:


Increase in Salary of Federal Govt Employees after Annual Increment 2017

All the allowances of federal government employees are frozen except the adhoc relief allowance 2017 that was granted on the running basic pay of the revised pay scales 2017. Federal Government granted adhoc relief allowance @ 10% of the running basic pay with effect from 1st July 2017. As running basic pay will increase with the addition of annual increment 2017 so the net increase in salary will increase more than the annual increment of the each concerned basic scale of the employees.  Detail of each pay scale wise increase in salary after granting annual increment 2017 is as under:


Increase In Salary Federal Govt Employees & Provincial Govt Employees Except Sindh
Basic Pay Scale No Annual Increment 10% Increase Total Increase in Salary
BPS-01 290 29 319
BPS-02 330 33 363
BPS-03 390 39 429
BPS-04 440 44 484
BPS-05 500 50 550
BPS-06 560 56 616
BPS-07 610 61 671
BPS-08 670 67 737
BPS-09 730 73 803
BPS-10 800 80 880
BPS-11 880 88 968
BPS-12 960 96 1056
BPS-13 1050 105 1155
BPS-14 1170 117 1287
BPS-15 1330 133 1463
BPS-16 1520 152 1672
BPS-17 2300 230 2530
BPS-18 2870 287 3157
BPS-19 3050 305 3355
BPS-20 4510 451 4961
BPS-21 5000 500 5500
BPS-22 5870 587 6457
See also  Supreme Court Decision Regarding Assistance Package 2014 for Family of the Employees Who Died Between 15-06-2013 to 08-02-2015


Increase in Salary of Provincial Govt Employees after Annual Increment 2017

Detail of Increase in Salary of Provincial Govt Employees after Annual Increment 2017 is as under:


Increase in salary of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan Govt Employees

All the provinces of Pakistan except Sindh province granted 10% adhoc relief allowance 2017 to all its employees with effect from 1st July 2017. So their increase in salary after annual increment will be the same as Federal Government Employees.


Increase in salary of Sindh Govt Employees

Sindh Government granted adhoc relief allowance 2017 @ 15% of the running basic pay of the scales 2017 to all its employees. So for the Sindh Govt employees will get more increase in salaries as compared to the Federal Govt Employees and other provincial Govt employees. Detail is as under:


Increase In Salary Sindh Govt Employees
Basic Pay Scale No Annual Increment 15% Increase Total Increase in Salary
BPS-01 290 44 334
BPS-02 330 50 380
BPS-03 390 59 449
BPS-04 440 66 506
BPS-05 500 75 575
BPS-06 560 84 644
BPS-07 610 92 702
BPS-08 670 101 771
BPS-09 730 110 840
BPS-10 800 120 920
BPS-11 880 132 1012
BPS-12 960 144 1104
BPS-13 1050 158 1208
BPS-14 1170 176 1346
BPS-15 1330 200 1530
BPS-16 1520 228 1748
BPS-17 2300 345 2645
BPS-18 2870 431 3301
BPS-19 3050 458 3508
BPS-20 4510 677 5187
BPS-21 5000 750 5750
BPS-22 5870 881 6751


Salary of Federal Govt Employees

Sindh Increase Salary Annual Increment 2017



See also  Notification of Ph.D/D.Sc Allowance for Sindh Govt Employees 2015

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11 thoughts on “Increase in Salary of Federal Govt and Provincial Govt Employees after Annual Increment 2017

  1. 100% pay was increased in 2010 (Defence forces) as one time allowance
    This allowance added in basic pay in budget 2017 and it will be benefited for pensioners for pension and commute.
    Those who retired before budget 2017 has not get benefit of this 100% pay in pension and nor in commute.
    Is there any update about addetion of this 100% in pension of pensioner for those who retired before budget 2017?

  2. Aoa sir AGR 3 sal nd 3 month contract par govt job ke ho Punjab govt mean nd phir throw proper channel contract par dosry deprtmnt mean realve ho kar chla jae punjab govt mean he contract par same sacale kea parent dept mean wapas ja saqta he sirf 4 s 5 month hoay hen reply please thankd

  3. Salam,
    In budget 2016-17 the Fedral Govt. Has upgrade Khateeb Masjid under federal Govt. I am a khateeb masjid. I need the Notification of upgradation. Please provide it to me on my email address. thanks.

  4. Aoa,
    I entered in a government service on 23-09-2011 on a regular post,
    after serving four and half years, i was appointed to sindh high court through proper channel,
    my pay was fixed accordingly, the probation period for sindh high court employees is comprised upon 02 years,
    while i have served only 19 months here.
    Question No. 01: Am I eligible to provide lien?
    Question No. 02: Will basic pay be protected?


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