Allocation of Seats for Upper Class Course for Traffic Warden

Memorandum regarding Allocation of Seats for Upper Class Course for Traffic Warden has been issued on 28-11-2017. Detail is as under:

Please refer to your office letter No. 49671/Ea-ll, dated 16:11:2017 on the subject noted above.

  1. Upper Class Course for Traffic Warden is scheduled to be commenced w.e.f 14.12,2017 at Police Training College, Lahore As recommended, following 100 seats for the subject course are hereby allocated/divided amongst all City Traffic Police in Punjab.
                   Sr.#              Name of CTP               Allocation of seats
                     1 Lahore                         50
                     2 Faisalabad                         15
                     3 Gujranwala                         06
                     4 Rawalpindi                         19
                     5 Multan                         10
                 Total                       100


  1. In this regard, it is requested that nominees for the subject course may be directed to reported at Police Training College, Lahore on 13.12.2017 after clearance medical fitness certificate, please.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter.


Upper Class Course for Traffic Warden


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