Summary of Adoption of Policy of Self Hiring/Hiring of Private Accommodation Government of the Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department has issued letter on 26-12-2017 in connection with Summary of Adoption of Policy of Self Hiring/Hiring of Private Accommodation Government of the Punjab. Summary is as under:

On a summary moved on the subject, the Chief minister was pleased to approve following proposals, incorporated by Finance  Department in Principal and desiring the placement of subject case before the Standing  Committee of the Cabinet  on Finance & Development for its Consideration (Annexure-A).

a- Federal House Requisition Policy may be adopted for providing the facility of rental ceiling for hiring of residential accommodation on the analogy of Federal Government in favour of the employees of Punjab Civil Secretarial borne on the cadre strength of S&GAD only and posted at Lahore. The financial implications would be approximately Rs.501.70 million per annum in addition to expenditure already being borne by the Government in respect of House Rent Allowance 64% employees of Civil Secretariat, Punjab.

b- Amendment in para-7 of the allotment Policy may be made4 as per the details given at the copy of the summary.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Ali Farooqi & Ghulam Mustafa Ch for sending the copy of the Summary of Adoption of Policy of Self Hiring/Hiring of Private Accommodation Government of the Punjab.


Policy of Self Hiring


Policy of Self Hiring Punjab

Self Hiring Punjab

Muhammad Ali Farooqi


See also  Verification Appointment Letters-Local Govt Department Sindh

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One thought on “Summary of Adoption of Policy of Self Hiring/Hiring of Private Accommodation Government of the Punjab

  1. If a govt employee has a shared house (2 brothers are the owner of a house and one if them is a govt employee) . In this case, can a govt employee avail the facility of SELF HIRING??


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