Office Order Housing Scheme WAPDA Lower Grade Employees

Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority has issued Office Order on 26-01-2018 in connection with Housing Scheme WAPDA Lower Grade Employees. Detail is as under:

1     Authority in its meeting held on 17.11.2017 has, in principle, approved the following:-

  • To initial and launch WAPDA Employees Housing of WAPDA Employees.
  • To constitute the steering committee as under to analyze the proposal and take decision regarding launch of Housing Scheme:-
  1. Member (Power) WAPDA                               Convener
  2. General Manger (LAR/HRD)                          Vice Convener
  3. Director General Finance (B&C)                      Member-I
  4. Director General (LAW)                       Member-II
  5. PD/SE (Building Circle)                                    Member-III
  6. General Secretary CBA                         Member-IV
  7. Representative from WAPDA Foundation       Member-V
  • Engagement of Project Consultant and his Team on lump sum package from open market.
  • I he proposal be modified and fine-lunged based on future needs. Starting with people on WAPDA`s payroll as on 01.01.2017, and initially for Grade-01-16 employees a 5 Marla / apartment scheme should be launched For this purpose. Contours of Army`s Welfare Scheme (Askari Apartments Etc.) needs to be consulted.

2        The implementation status be bought in the Knowledge of Authority on regular basis.

Special thanks to Mr. Faisal for sending the copy of the Office Order of Housing Scheme WAPDA Lower Grade Employees.


Housing Scheme WAPDA Lower Grade Employees



See also  Notification of Clarification Regarding Upgradation Rescue 1122 Posts

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