News Regarding Increase in Salaries Budget 2018-19 for Government Employees

According to the news there are chances for the Increase in Salaries Budget 2018-19 for Government Employees. There may be a special pay package for the Government employees in the coming budget 2018-19. The demands of the employees are to increase the pay and allowances for the Government Employees. Rana Afzal Khan has assured the delegation of employees to increase the salaries of employees.

Already Announced/Expected Increase in Salaries 2018-19

As you know PM Office has already issued the letter regarding the increase of the following:

Increase in House Rent Allowance @50% of the Running HRA

PM Office has approved the Increase in House Rent Allowance @50% of the Running HRA for the federal Government Employees in the coming budget 2018-19.  This HRA will be nearly the 1½ times of the running house rent allowance. For example if an employee is getting Rs. 2000/- HRA per month then his/her new HRA will be Rs. 3000/-.

Increase in rental ceiling for hiring of Private accommodation

According to the letter Increase in rental ceiling for hiring of Private accommodation is also expected 50% more than the running.

Increase in HRA in the Interest of Equality according to the PM Office letter.

It is to clarify here that it is not in the interest of equality to increase 50% HRA and Hiring. Rental Ceiling for Hiring of accommodation has already been increased in 2014 and House Rent Increased in 2008. If both increase 50% it is not equality. House Rent must be on the initial of basic pay scales 2017 not 50% of the running HRA to maintain the equality for the employees.

See also  Revision of Rates of Special Pay

Requests of the Employees to Increase in Salaries in Budget 2018-19

The following I suggest to be increased for the Government employees in the Budget 2018-19:

Increase in House Rent Allowance (HRA) 2018

House Rent Allowance should be 30% and 45% on the initial basic pay of the pay scales 2017 for all the Federal and Provincial Government Employees.

Increase in Pay & Allowances in Budget 2018-19

There should be minimum 20% increase in pay and allowances for the Government Employees in the coming budget 2018-19 as there have been increased the rates of daily use items more than 20%.

Now It is Your Turn

Now it is your turn to comment below what you suggest/demand from the Government in the coming budget 2018-19.   Increase in Salaries Budget 2018-19

Updates of Increase In Salaries Budget 2018-18 as on 18-02-2018

Increase Salaries 2018




News on Regarding Salary Increase Budget 2018-19

According to the Daily Jang Lahore dated 13-03-2018 there are chances of 20% increase in salary for the Government Employees of Pakistan. Detail is as under:



pay Increase Budget 2018







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71 thoughts on “News Regarding Increase in Salaries Budget 2018-19 for Government Employees

  1. No one take action against the matter of upgradation of minstrel staff of fc balochistan or abhi tk fc balochistan ko 10% zarb e azab allowance ni mila hm daily shaheed hoty rhy or hmary shahdat ki qimt sirf 7 sy 10 % salana hoti hai salary increase k lye govt k khazany main paisy ni hain jb arb9n ki cruption krni ho to paisy ajaty hain.

  2. Government should upgrade the scale of steno typist from 14 to 16 or merge it with stenographers. As your mind will be satisfied when your stomach will be satisfied.

  3. Nobody is talking about bps 01 to 04 ..why? they are getting less than 1000 HRA.the amount for bps till 04 should be increase as 3000,not as 50%.

  4. At last as possible as sufficient increase in salary of Govt: Servant should be made to meet financial problems by the Govt: Servant



  6. It is would be very positive step towards betterment of the government employees if they are going to get 30% increase, but pML N track records \ budget are always business friendly they don’t much bother about govt employees labourers!

  7. thats ok for govt. employees salary increases, but do not forget the pathetic EOBI pensioners getting such a meagre amount. Let an increase in EOBI pension from Pkr 5,250 to Pkr 15,000 be announced in the upcoming budget 2018-19

  8. We all employees of Govt of Pakistan and including with 4 Provinces and Gilgit Kashmir employees request from Govt kindly equal salaries to all no differences between Secretariat and non secretariat Court and other any department giving various allowances and benefits but other departments ignore why they are not pakistani employees so kindly justice to all. Only giving bill of utility secretariat side employees why not other?

  9. 1) First of all raise in salary is already very meagre,above all when you imposed tax slabs over it home take is not appreciable. So take care this time that increase in salary must be without further tightening of tax slabs.
    2) Increment amount is so low in the past that in spite of 10-20 years of seniority there is negligible difference in the salaries of BPS of 17/18/19.So increment should be remarkable between these grades. Salaries are almost overlapping.Promotions take 10 15 years time but in terms of salaries difference is hopeless.A employee of BPS- 17 with last 8-10 year Service has salary very close to BPS 19, due to low increment.
    3) Already time scale and promotion s are awarded to teachers, Irrigation and other Departments but not to the doctors in spite of verdict of Sindh high court in March 2011.This resulted in very much disparity.
    4) The Secretariat Departments has already availing bundle of benefits, but it is not delivered to other Departments/fields.These greviences should be addressed.The utility allowance may be given to all employees in all Provinces.The salaries should also be qualification base & not on the length of service only.
    5) Merger of all adhoc allowances in the basic pay with at least 20% increase for all will be welcome, beside already approved HR by PM.
    6)Please do not make different criteria for BPS 1-15 & 17 & above, as now BPS-16 & 17 has almost no difference in pay.
    7)There is lot be done for each & every section of the field, but it needs serious efforts to be exercised, that can console all disciplines/cadres/fields/Departments/ of Government.

  10. In 2010 Mr.Zardari incresed salaries by 50 % and pension by 20%.So many years have passed but no relief was given to the pensioners effected by this injustice. Will anyone listen to their problem or they should for the Day of Judgement ?

  11. Meri Prime Minister aur Finance Minister se darkhwast he ke Ministries/Division/Attach Department kay Ex-Svcmen ka Medical Allowance dobara bahal kia jaey jo 2011 men dia jata tha magar baad men recover karlia gia tha.

    1. Mphil allowance should be given to equalant qualificatio holders as well.If HEC declared equalant to 18 years qualification it shoild be given.

  12. Malik Ata Muhammad Utra · Edit

    HRA aur hiring ceiling main icrease tu achi baat hai. Laykin jo loog official accomodations (Official Colonies) main rehtay hain un ko bhi kuch relief milna chahiay. kam az kam un ki pay say 5% maintenance deduction hi khattam kar deni chahiay, jis ka bill pichlay saal assembly already pass kar chuki hai aur pichlay saal sirf BPS-04 tak khattam kia gia tha woh passed bill kay mutaabiq sab BPS ki deduction khattam kar deni chahiay. aur saath saath Medical aur conveyance allownes bhi barhaanain chahian aur dousray freezed allownces ko bhi defreez karna chahiay.

  13. Iftikhar Ahmad Naseer · Edit

    almost all the cadres have been upgraded twice or thrice only a cadre of steno typist is abysmally deprived from the upgradation despite of the fact that this is a key post and no office can appropriately run without this cadre. It is highly and gracefully requested to the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan and Federal Minister for Finance.


  14. Confirm report regarding Pay & Allowances in Budget 2018-19 is only 10% Adhoc. increase will be given to Federal Employees and 10% Adhoc 2017 will be freezes till further order. No other allowance included to increase in Federal Budget 2018-19.

  15. Zia Hussain babar · Edit

    Iss budget me Federal Clerks ki upgradation Provinces ki tarz par ki jay, Pay scale revise kiey jaen, HRA Mojuda pay scale par dia jay, Convayance Allce barha kar Rs. 5000/- pm kia jay aur HRA sab ko yaksan %age par dia jay.

  16. Federal employee scale should be apply as per all over pakistan provisional employee scale as follow:

    Federal employee scale Provisional Scale

    1) LDC (BPS-9) LDC (BPS-11)
    2) UDC (BPS-11) UDC (BPS-14)
    3) Assistant (BPS-15) Assistant (BPS-16)
    4) Superintendent (BPS-16) Superintendent (BPS-17)

  17. -> Adhoc 2018 should be minimum 20%.
    -> Special Conveyance Allowance should be increased with percentage of BP ( for Special Persons).
    -> Utility Allowance should be minimum 5% of BP..
    -> Qualification increment should be restored.

  18. I think is bar salary ziada se ziada bhi 40% honi chahey jis hisab se mahengaii hai us hisab se to ye bhi kam hai conveyance 50 hona chahey medical 50 or h rent bhi 50 hona chahey

  19. The HRA must be increased on 50% of Basic Pay..And the difference of 40 % in big cities and 30% in small cities must be ended and 40% for all must be implemented

  20. Faraz Wakil Usman Khan · Edit

    Following are some suggestions regarding salary of govt employees:
    1. Pay scales should be revised with 25-30% increase in basic pay.
    2. Allowances should be based on latest basic pay.
    3. HRA and Rental Ceiling should be revised on latest basic pay and rents as per market rates respectively
    4. Discount on air/train/metro/Daewoo tickets for govt employees should be given.
    5. School/College/University Fee discount for govt employees children should be given.

    1. Agreed with points 1 to 3,

      But in point 4 & 5, Why there is emphasis on only govt. employees and govt. employee’s children only ?? Please think in a macro term..

      For tickets there should be some Slabs for Students, Underage, Senior Citizens, Women, Civilian and govt. officials etc.. So that everyone can get advantage.

      For School/College/Universities,
      – Government owned should to be made equal or comparatively better than the private owned in terms of quality education, healthy environment, conduct, facilities etc.
      – Govt. owned should cost lessor than private owned.
      – Course Material & Uniforms should be provided for free on merit basis(For e:g, if a student gets overall percentage >=78% in finals).
      – Some prize money award to be given to the students who got 1st, 2nd and 3rd position.(Where overall percentage is >=85% or any)
      – Laptops and free internet devices should be provided to all students.(above grade 8 or any)
      – Govt. maintained School Buses should be provided to the students, which picks students from certain points.
      – Hiring of teachers should be made on merit and providing better salaries and perks to the govt. teachers to be ensured. Also evaluation should be done for each teacher at every year end.

  21. This govt have increased salaries quite handsomely and it is hoped that trend will continue because it is their last budget. However, it would be better if all the allowances be revised like conveyance/medical also because rates of these two segments have also increased quite a bit. Let us hope for the best and try to convey our voice to all government quarters too so that our voice may be heard and all employees may get substantial increase in salaries too insha Allah

      1. Malik Ata Muhammad Utra · Edit

        How conveyance is enough? it has been not increased from more than 7 years of BPS-16 and above. only till BPS-15 was increased twice.


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