Query Regarding Number of Chances Punjab Public Service Commission

Punjab Public Service Commission has issued letter in connection with Query Regarding Number of Chances Punjab Public Service Commission. Detail is as under:

Decision regarding the chances has already been uploaded on PPSC website, however the same is re-produced as under:

Number of Chances Punjab Public Service Commission

“For all posts to be filled through written test followed by interview or interview alone, the number of chances shall be restricted to three. However, if a candidate qualifies the interview but cannot be recommended for appointment due to shortage of vacancies, his chance shall not be considered as availed whereas chance of a candidate who does not qualify the written test or interview shall be considered as availed. For the post of lecturer in Education Department, a candidate who is applicant for more than one subject, shall be allowed three in each subject for which he/she is candidate in accordance with laid down policy.”

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Query Regarding Number of Chances Punjab Public Service Commission.


Number of Chances Punjab Public Service Commission


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