Notification of Corrections Recruitment Policy 2017-18 for Educators & AEOs

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 29-01-2018 in connection with Corrections Recruitment Policy 2017-18 for Educators & AEOs. Detail is as under:

In continuation of this Department`s letter of even number dated 17.11.2017 regarding Recruitment Policy 2017-18 for Educators & AEOs, following corrections may kindly be noted for compliance.

          Sr. #                             Existing entry         Corrected
              1. In para-2, the sentence “In case the post is left unfilled in a Tehsil then the same will be filled from amongst candidates in other Tehsils by Generating  their merit at district level”                Deleted
            2. Annex-F, para-1

Aarkaz___Tehsil___for the initial period of Three Years subject to the following terms and conditions:

Annex-F, para-1

Aarkaz___Tehsil___for the initial period of Three Years subject to the following terms and conditions:

            3. In Annexure-F, Sr No-9 (vii) regarding termination of contract on performance base

“if STR, enrolment, retention and quality education targets are not achieved by you then appointment shall contract of be terminated”.

In Annexure-F, Sr No-9 (vii) regarding termination of contract on performance base

“if STR, enrolment, retention and quality education targets are not achieved by you then appointment shall contract of be terminated”.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Corrections Recruitment Policy 2017-18 for Educators & AEOs.


Corrections Recruitment Policy 2017-18


See also  Sindh Police Commandos Vacancies Special Security Unit (SSU) May 2024

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