Allocation of Inspection Allowance Rs. 25000 PM Award to Assistant Education Officers

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 13-03-2018 in connection with Allocation of Inspection Allowance Rs. 25000 PM Award to Assistant Education Officers. Detail is as under:

I am directed to enclose herewith copies of U.O.No. FD (PFC) 2-Misc, /2017-18 dated 6th March, 2018 received from Finance Department and this department letter No.SO (Budget 1-15/201-Vol-I dated 15.02.2018, on the subject cited above.


  1. Finance Department has advised to incorporate the allocation of Inspection Allowance awarded to Assistant Education Officer (AEO`s), in the bugged of District Education Authority for the FY 2018-19 and submit the budget estimates accordingly.


  1. It is, therefore, requested that the allocation of AEO allowance at the rate of Rs. 25,000 per month be included in Budget Estimates for the FY 2018-19 of DEA`s and forwarded to Finance Department directly as per previous practices with a copy to DEA wing of School, Education Department.


  1. This may be treated as top priority as Finance Department has advised to make it part of PFC share for FY 2018-19.

Special thanks to Mr. Kishwar Noor for sending the copy of the letter of Allocation of Inspection Allowance Rs. 25000 PM Award to Assistant Education Officers.


Inspection Allowance Rs. 25000


See also  Notification of Increase in Sindh Police Salary

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