Request for Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operators/DATA Entry Operators from BPS-11/12 to BPS-16

Government of the Sindh, Finance Department has issued letter on 09-03-2018 in connection with Request for Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operators/DATA Entry Operators from BPS-11/12 to BPS-16. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to Services, General Administration & Coordination Department’s letter No. C-III/SGA&CD/3-9/17 (Misc) dated 7.2.2018 on the subject cited above and to state that Finance Department has already examined similar requests received from Services, General Administration  &  Coordination Department and A.D was advised to update / amend Recruitment Rules for keeping therein provision of future promotion of applicants in their respective cadre posts vide letter of even number dated 24.4.2014 (copy enclosed).

It is once again advised to upto / Recruitment rules keeping therein provision of future promotion of Computer Operators from BPS-12 to BPS-16 in their respective cadre post through DPC as the up gradation are barred by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Special thanks to Mr. Rashid Ali Mastoi for sending the copy of the letter of Request for Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operators/DATA Entry Operators from BPS-11/12 to BPS-16.


Computer Operators


See also  Constitution Committee for Employees who have Not Been Upgraded

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3 thoughts on “Request for Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operators/DATA Entry Operators from BPS-11/12 to BPS-16

  1. i am serving as a computer operator in a attach department of ministry of information and broadcasting .i need any document regarding computer operatorhaving BPS-14 like a pay slip ,transfer order,permotion and appointment ,if anyone in BS-14 then plz mail me the document .thanks

  2. What about federal govt? I am working in NAB as Data Entry Operator (BPS-12) , i dont know whether it ll be upgraded too? Any one have an idea plz reply. Admin u are also requested to shed some light


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