Employees Who Get Reimbursed Cost of POL Etc Are Not Allowed the Conveyance Allowance

Inspectorate of Treasuries & Accounts Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued letter on 16-03-2018 in connection with Employees Who Get Reimbursed Cost of POL Etc Are Not Allowed the Conveyance Allowance. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to the subject noted above.

  1. It is apprised that the Vaccinators posted in the Health department and other department who have been provided bikes for performance, their field duties and the expenditure incurred on account of POL etc. being reimbursed to them out of the budgetary allocation of the relevant cost center are not allowed the conveyance allowance.
  2. You are advised to thrash out/ overhaul payroll data of your district and intimate as to whether any employees of the above mentioned categories who are drawing conveyance allowance of otherwise besides furnishing a list of the employees that are drawing the conveyance allowance within 3 days positively.
  3. Furthermore, you are advised to ensure that no payment on account of conveyance allowance be allowed to the afore stated categories of the employees.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Employees Who Get Reimbursed Cost of POL Etc Are Not Allowed the Conveyance Allowance.


Conveyance Allowance


See also  Notification of Special Allowance for Rescue 1122 issued by Punjab Govt

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