Detail Financial Assistance & Other Benefits Granted to the Family of a Civil Servant Who Dies While in Service

I am here sharing the Detail Financial Assistance & Other Benefits Granted to the Family of a Civil Servant Who Dies While in Service. The same is prepared by Ghulam Mustafa Ch for the help/information of the employees and others related this case. The main topics covered in this special chart are as under:

  • Financial Assistance (Lump Sum Grant)
  • Pay & Allowances
  • Leave Encashment
  • 4 Months Salary (Last Pay Drawn + Allowances)
  • Group Insurance
  • Retention of Government Accommodation
  • Appointment of One Child/Widow
  • Family Pension Gratuity
  • GP Fund
  • Funeral Grant
  • Health
  • Farewell Grant
  • Education
  • Monthly Grant
  • Marriage Grant

Special thanks to Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Ch for sending the copy of the Detail Financial Assistance & Other Benefits Granted to the Family of a Civil Servant Who Dies While in Service.

Detail Financial Assistance Package
See also  Request for Issuance of Advice Regarding Payment of Financial Assistance / Leave Encashment and Other Financial Benefits to Deceased & Retired Government Employees of LG & CD Adjusted in Various Local Government

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29 thoughts on “Detail Financial Assistance & Other Benefits Granted to the Family of a Civil Servant Who Dies While in Service

  1. I need such type of detailed chart for a deceased Govt employee of Sindh Govt (Education Department), if possible please

  2. Meri maan death huwi ha 10.04.2016 ko assistant package k tehat mekama education na mujay g.1 pa apoint kia ha halanki mera qualification M.A, B.Ed ha .us k lie mujay koi qanooni tareqa ha kia ki ma BPS 14 teacher ya koi or post pa ja sakonn?

  3. AoA, brothers – Lodge complain on Pakistan citizen portal against delay in claim to your funds. Mostly The school and accounts staff at DEO / Dist Acc Office is very corrupt and always asking for money.
    InshaAllah your claims will be processed once complain is lodged and on record. Secondly write to ombudsman Punjab ( and your case will have a strong follow up.

  4. Rameel ahmed khan · Edit

    How can i apply for group insurance and financial assistance? My father passed away on 19 august 2018 on duty. How can i apply for these benefits. We have recieved pension gratuity and leave encashement but not financial assistance and group insurance. Please tell me the procedure.

  5. my father died in 21 january 2018 . he was on duty but i still not receive any ,now acountant told me only basic salry will be paid.. no job no salary etc

  6. dear’s all and glaxyworld admin please correct the information about appointment rule 17-A because in new rules and notification shall be appointed in bps 1 to bps 11..any post not clerk or patwari

  7. Asalam o Alikum Sir/Madam
    Can you share me any news regarding upgradation cases i,e Stenographer/Stenotypists and clerical staff.of federal govt employees. Thanks
    Steno Mir Khan

  8. My father died after months of his retirement. He retired before 2 year of his actual retirement date. Can we receive group insurance?.


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