Notification of Upgradation Superintendent, Accountant, Assistant Accounts Officer etc to BPS-17

Balochistan University of engineering and Technology Khuzdar has issued Notification on 30-01-2018 in connection with Upgradation Superintendent, Accountant, Assistant Accounts Officer etc to BPS-17. Detail is as under:

No. BUETK/Syn-XXI/171 537-45 The Syndicate in its 21st meeting held on 16-12-2017 under agenda item No. 32, approved to upgrade the posts of Superintendent aolngwith tagged posts of the cadre from BPS-16 to 17 with effect from 1-1-2018, in line with other Government departments vide Government of Balochistan notification No. ED 9R-2) III-79/DA/2015/2290-2410 dated 29-9-2015 as under: –


S.No. Name of Post Post upgraded from To
1. Superintendent  








2. Assistant Accounts Officer
3. Accountant
4. Caretaker
5. Public Relations Officer
6. Computer Operator



Special thanks to Mr. Siraj Ahmad for sending the copy of the Upgradation Superintendent, Accountant, Assistant Accounts Officer etc to BPS-17.


Upgradation Superintendent


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