How Much Salary Should Be Increased in Budget 2018-19?

Annual Budget 2018-19 is to be announced on 27th April 2018 (Friday. My question here is how much salary should be increased in budget 2018-19 for the Government Employees of Pakistan?  I just want to get the comments from the Government Employees of Pakistan on the topic of salary increase in Budget 2018-19. Some points that are the hot heading now a day are as under:


Main Topics To be Discussed


  • Increase in House Rent Allowance & Rental Ceiling
  • Revise Pay Scale 2018
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 (10%, 15%, 20% or any other amount)
  • Increase in Medical Allowance in Budget 2018-19
  • Increase in Conveyance Allowance
  • Increase in Teaching Allowance
  • Increase in Sc Teaching Allowance
  • Increase in Entertainment Allowance
  • Grant of 20% Special Relief Allowance (2013) for all The Government Employees
  • Increase in Integrated Allowance
  • Increase in Charge Allowance
  • Increase in any other allowance related to your post/designation
  • Upgradation of Posts
  • Elimination of Discrimination of Upgraded Posts
  • Grant of Time Scale promotion/upgradation
  • Restoration of Advance Increments (Educational Increments)
  • Restoration of Move Over
  • Restoration of Selection Grade
  • Computer Allowance Increase
  • Any Other Topic

Comments Required on The Topic


Just Comment below on the Topics Given Above as you want to be increase/granted in the coming budget 2018-19.


How Much Salary Should Be Increased in Budget 2018-19



See also  Notification Utility Allowance 2023 Regular Employees HEC Sindh

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98 thoughts on “How Much Salary Should Be Increased in Budget 2018-19?

  1. Respected Sir,
    Few years ago we listen the news regarding Equilibrium Pay Scale in all departments, where is that movement.
    I think in Pakistan pay should be same on a scale in Rural or Urban areas. In a village the utility things prices are same as in a city why it is difference of pay in both.
    If a Govt employee retired, he should be awarded with a house or plot because u cut off his/her house rent and he pay his house rent from his pension that is a very unfair and painful situation.
    Govt also cut off his conveyance allowance its mean that he now use his foots for travelling.
    Please do better with pensioners or on job employees.


  3. Research & Coordination Officer · Edit

    sir i am an employees of Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Lahore please tell me about the merging of adhoc relief or not in the forthcoming budget 2018-2019

  4. Merging adhoc relief of 2015/2016/2017 +20% increase& than revise pay scale 2018.HRA 45%&20% Medical Allowance on new pay scale .Its enough for all Govt; Employees

  5. 1-Salary increased up to 50%(For grade 1-16) & 15% (For grade 17 & above).
    2-Issuance of Medical facility on renowned hospital panels instead of medical allowance.
    3-Issuance of Utility allowance
    4-Allocation o House Requisition
    5- Give teachers advance increments instead of qualification allowance.
    6-Give Time Scale (Maximum 5 years)

  6. In my point of view the following allowances should be increased in budget 2018-19.

    1. HRA should be change according to 45% of the current initial basic pay as per rules.
    2. Medical Allowance should be change as per current medical charges of hospital and doctors fee and medicine rates.
    3. Hyderabad, Faisalabad Multan etc should be included in big city and big city allowance may be considered in these cities.

  7. AR 2016 and 2017 should be merged in basic pay and pay may be increased 15%, HR 30% should be on pay scale 2017. conveyance also be increased.

  8. Increase in pay shall be at least 20%
    House rent may be increased up to 50% on the current Pay scale
    Conveyance Allowance and Medical Allowance may be doubled
    Time Scale promotion to employees in BS-16 and BS-17 in same scale for more than 10 years may be awarded.

  9. what is the latest news about the upgradation of clerical staff as per provinces because ApCA is very dedicated and working hard . tell the latest position

  10. AoA

    My openion is that all the employees who are appointed on BPS system are equal. So salary of employees are equal in pakistan in federal and provincial. Like that in provincial department S&GAD and governer house and CM House having many allowances and other have not i.e. secretariat allowance, utlity allowance etc.


    Pensioners hakoomat ki ziyada tawajo k mustehiq hn.puranay pensioners ki pension mn at least 25% aur new Pensioners ki pension mn 20 % increas hona chaeay.

  12. A.o.a
    Adhoc 2016 and 2017 should be merged compulsory.
    After this minimum 15% adhoc 2018 should be given.
    Madical should be minimum 2500
    House rent should be replaced by bps 2015 or 2016 minimum.

  13. Thanks for inviting all to contribute in this very important discussion. In my humble opinion, at least 20% increase be granted to all. Whereas medical allowance should also be increased for all. Special pay for P.A/P.S must be at least 2000/month, in addition late sitting allowances must also be allowed to PA/APS of BS-16 (Gazetted also) as they worked the most in late hours with senior officers and it must be increased at least Rs. 300/day. Time scale for PA/APS also be introduced because there is not further promotion for them now and they are stuck and retired in the same scale like P.S a time scale must be introduced for Steno Typist and APS with a promotion after every 04 years. 5% deduction on account of rent must be stopped because when a govt servant deducts his HRA then he must not be further punished by deducting 5% from his pay this is absolutely un-necessary. Utility allowance may also be granted @ 20% of the basic pay and last but not he least the un-just grant of 20% pay to only servants working in Islamabad must be granted to all Federal Govt employees to remove this long awaiting anomaly. Conveyance allowances may also be increased up to 15% to all. WE hope being the last budget of this govt that they will give maximum benefit to employees and I request to all my brothers to convey their grievances to this very useful venue of Galaxy World.

  14. My best wishes to all govt employee government should increase pay in budget. 15% and medical allowance increase 500/- BPS 1- BPS16 and house rent 50% increase in current HRA

  15. Increase in pension for those who retired 25 years hence should not be less than 20%. Also when a pensioner crosses 75 years of age, he should get additional 5% increase as his/her medical expenses rise invariably .

  16. Jese jese budget nazdeek aega .jume tak 20% se 7% tak reto aega.
    Aik kahawat he jis ne tuloo hote hoe garmi na dikhai garoob hote hoe kia dikhega
    Is government ne 5 sal me kia dia Jo UB jate degi.

  17. حکومت کا تو کام ہے غریب ملازمین کی تضحیک کرناْ پلیز آپ تو ایسا نہ کریں۔ زخموں پہ نمک چھڑکنے والی بات ہے۔بجٹ میں کیا ہو گا سب جانتے ہیں۔

  18. I will suggest that

    1. HRA should be increase/adjusted on current pay scale.
    2. As like big cities, all the employees should be entertained with house requisition/house subsidy, with in Pakistan.
    3. To high up the moral of the employees and quality education in the administrative departments, advance increments (on higher scale) should be restored.
    4.50% Increase should be made.

  19. This will be the increment in Budget:
    a). 15% increase on current basic pay scale as Adhoc Relief Allowance-2018
    b). 30% increase in House Rent Allowance
    c). Rs. 500/- increase in Medical Allowance for BPS-1 to 16.
    d). 30% increase in Rental ceiling
    a). 10 % increase in new pensioners
    b). 20% increase in old pensioners.

    1. wht about medical allowance of BPS 17 and above?? the min madical allowance (M.A) is 1500 at present. if they increase it by 500, it will go to 2000 pm. But many people in BPS 17 is getting it as 1850 pm. How it can happen????

  20. adhoc relief of 2016 & 2017 should be merged and then 15% adhoc relief be authorised
    house rent allowance be at current basic
    medical allowance should be approximately 3000 thousand

  21. Pensioners Medical Allowance should be merged in pension and then may be increased Pension 20 to 25 present and in future annual increment should be granted like serving employees


    Pay scale should be revised by adding atleast 25% increase by merging of Adhoc Allowances of 2016 and 2017. Conveyance, house rent and other related allowances must be increased by 150% especially house rent allowance should be revised by 65% of the current basic pay as in the other organizations.

    Secondly but very very important that the commutation should be revised with increased rate after every three years for which every employee who gives the entire life to the government, has the right to get better amount in the shape of commutation (Gratuity )Unlikely the government has murdered the right of employee to get this by revising the rate of commutation table decreasing w.e.f. 01-12-2001 versus the commutation table of 01-07-1986

  23. I wish merger of adhoc relief,20%increase in basic pay,house rent on pay scales 2018 and medical allowance 15% of running basic pay , handsome increase in conveyance allowance and sufficiant utility allowance.I also wish health card or insurance instead of so called fre
    e medical treatment.

  24. I earlier told how much increase in salaries and allowances us need of the hour in this budget. Now I will discuss relief for pensioners. There must be 25% increase in pension and 40% in medical allowance for the pensioners who retired 15 years ago. And there must be 20% increase in pension and 30% increase in medical allowance who retire less than 15 years ago.

  25. Upgradation of Data Entry Operators/Computer Operators into BPS-16.
    Increase in Computer Allowance minimum Rs. 5000.
    Grant of House Rent Allowance @25 of Running Basic Pay.
    Medical Allowance @20% of Running B.Pay.
    Risk allowance @50% of Running Basic Pay.

  26. 1. Although increase in salary with the increase in living cost is not a good solution but now it is too far to control the hike in prices. Now, in this time there should be an increase of around 15% and inclusion of previous adhoc allowances in basic pay.

    2. Increase in House rent subsidy (HRS) is pending for the last one year (due to incompetence of housing ministry) should be increase @50% (as promised by PM) but from back date i.e. with effect from Oct 2017.

    3. There is a confusion in interpretation of higher qualification allowance (i.e. PhD & M.Phil.). Finance division is using the title of M.Phil. degree, which is 18 years education. There are professional degrees equivalent to M.Phil. eg. MS, M.Sc. Engg, etc. but they are not being paid this allowance, which is half of the PhD allowance. HEC has given this clarification to Finance division but the same has been put under the table and still the departments are not giving this allowance to the qualified employees. In my view the orders should be amended as “allowance for 18 years of education” and not M.Phil. degree.

  27. Up-gradation of remaining posts
    Salary increase 15% after merging all remaining Adhoc
    Increase in Medical Allowance
    Increase in Computer Allowance
    Increase in House Rent
    Utility Allowance for all employees

  28. Revised pay scales 2018 should be introduced by merging ad-hoc relief 2016 and 2017.there must be at least 15% increase on new revised running basic salary Rent must fix on 2017 pay scales irrespective of 2008.medical allowance from Grade 1to 15 must be 3000 instead of current 1500.medical allowance from grade 16to 22 must be increase at least 50% on present medical allowance. Conveyance allowance from Grade 1 to 15 must be increase by 40% on current allownce and from 16 and onward must be increased by 50%.

  29. Up-gradation of posts in a uniform way throughout Pakistan and Time Scale promotion should be taken into account in this Budget. All kinds of discriminations should be discontinued forthwith.

  30. Muhammad Tariq Nadeem · Edit

    (I) 50% increase in HRA and Rental Ceiling
    (II) Revised Pay Scale by Merging AR 2016,2017 and 10% increase in Pay
    (III) 20% increase in Med.Allowance
    (IV) 20% increase in CA due to increase in Petrol Price.
    (V) 50% increase in Teaching Allowance
    (VI) 50% increase in Entertainment Allowance.
    (VII) Grant 20% SRA-2013 to all Govt.Employees should be related by Court Decision
    (VIII) 50% increase in integrated ALL.
    (IX) Charge Allowance should be 1000 instead of Rs.200/-

  31. Salary Should be increased 20% with Revised Pay Scale 2018 by merging 2016 & 2018 Pay Scale. House Rent Allowance should be on the initial pay scale 2018.


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