Provincial Election Commissioner Punjab has issued Notification on 23-04-2018 in connection with Instructions Regarding Payment Election Duty 2018 Rs. 20,000/-, 15,000/- 12,000/- 10,000/- & 5,000 to Naib Qasids, Assistant Registration Officers etc. Summary is as under:
I am directed to state the Competent Authority has been pleased to approval the following instructions for strict compliance/ further circulation, while making payment of Remuneration/ Honoraria to the Assistant Registration Officer/Revision Authorities Supervisor/ Verifying Officials/Display Center in Charges and Naib Quasid @ Rs. 15000/-, Rs.20000/- Rs.10000/-, Rs.15000/- & Rs.5000/-
It is to mention here that the Notification of Enhanced Rates Polling Staff has already been issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan on 04-05-2017.
Further details are available at the copy of the Notification of Instructions Regarding Payment Election Duty 2018 Rs. 20,000/-, 15,000/- 12,000/- 10,000/- & 5,000 to Naib Qasids, Assistant Registration Officers etc.