Detail of Increase House rent Allowance 2018 BPS-01 to BPS-22

According to the Budget Speech 2018 there has been increase in House Rent Allowance and House Requisition Hiring. Detail of Increase House rent Allowance 2018 has been shared here for the information of the employees.


Increase House rent Allowance 2018

There has been increased 50% of the running House Rent Allowance. For example, if you get earlier 1000 as HRA then your new HRA will be Rs. 1500/- per month. Detail is as under for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-22.

It is to mention here that I had already shared the Expected House Rent Allowance for the Govt Employees that is 100% same as per budget 2018 Speech.


House Rent Allowance 2018


See also  Provisional Payment Special Judicial Allowance @ 1.5 Times of Basic Pay

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35 thoughts on “Detail of Increase House rent Allowance 2018 BPS-01 to BPS-22

  1. Nafees-Ur-Rehman · Edit

    Sir i am receiving house rent allowance 1476 after applying the budget conditions what would be new house rent allowance?

      1. Muhammad Anser Naveed · Edit

        Please tell me about 5% miantinance charges for those who have occupied govt accommodation. Either at initial
        basic or running basic.


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