Upgradation Deputy Accountant and Accountant From BPS-14 to BPS-16 & BPS-16 to BPS-17 Respectively

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 08-05-2018 in connection with Upgradation Deputy Accountant and Accountant From BPS-14 to BPS-16 & BPS-16 to BPS-17 Respectively. Detail is as under:

Kindly refer to the subject noted above.

  1. Chief Minister Punjab has been pleased to upgrade the posts of Deputy Accountant from BS-14 to BS-16 and BS-16 to BS-17 respectively in the Punjab Treasuries & Accounts Service and Auditor and Audit Office from Bs-14 to BS-16 and BS-16 to BS-17 respectively in the Punjab Local Fund Audit Department, with immediate effect (copy of the approved summary is attached).
  2. It is, therefore. Requested to kindly issue advice concurring the said up-gradation of pots at the earliest.

Special thanks to Mr. Hamid Lak, Bilal Mehmood, Muhammad Imran and Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Upgradation Deputy Accountant and Accountant From BPS-14 to BPS-16 & BPS-16 to BPS-17 Respectively.


Upgradation Deputy Accountant


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