Notification of Clarification Revised Rates Daily Allowance Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD-SR-I/8-7/2013 dated 25-04-2018 in connection with Clarification Revised Rates Daily Allowance Punjab. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to this department`s Notification bearing No.FD.SR-1/8-14/2016 dated 29th June 2017 on the subject cited above and to make following clarifications vis-à-vis queries raised by different quarters from time to time:


Download Notification of Clarification Revised Rates Daily Allowance Punjab




1. Whether a civil servant in BS-20 and above, who stays in a hotel, guest house, inspection bungalow or a Special Daily Allowance, where applicable, plus 05 special dailies, for every night, or he/she is entitled to only 5 dailies, including the above referred Daily Allowance, where residential accommodation receipts are submitted? A civil servant in BS-20 and above is entitled to a Special Daily Allowance, where applicable, plus up to five times the amount of Special Daily Allowance as reimbursement of room-rent for staying in a single room, for  every night, in  a hotel, guest house, inspection bungalow with performance of official duties, subject to production of receipts / voucher(s), under the provision of Rule 2.37 (ii) and (ii) (a) of the Punjab Traveling Allowance Rules, read with Finance Department’s Notification no. Fd.SR-1/8-14/2016, dated 29.06.2017.


Further details are available at the copy of the Notification. Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hussain & GGCRWP for sending the copy of the Notification of Clarification Revised Rates Daily Allowance Punjab.


Clarification Revised Rates Daily Allowance Punjab






See also  Clarification Regarding 30% SSB for the Contract Employees

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2 thoughts on “Notification of Clarification Revised Rates Daily Allowance Punjab

  1. Muhammad Shafique · Edit

    Dear Please upload the revised clarification regarding Daily for Hotel Accommodation in Punjab.

    Finance Department Lahore has already substitute the above said clarification for some changes in Sr. No.06 of this clarification.


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