Medical Fitness Certificate on First Entry into Government Service

According to the Rules, Medical Fitness Certificate on First Entry into Government Service produced once is not required to be produced if there is another appointment without break of service. Detail is as under:

I am directed to say that rules 3.2 to 3.6 of the Civil service Rules (Punjab), Vol. I, Part-I require production of medical certificate of fitness in first entry into government service. A question has arisen as to whether a government servant who was medically found fit on his first appointment should again furnish medical certificate of fitness on his appointment to another post within or outside his parent department. According to note 3 below rule 3.2 of the rules ibid a temporary government servant who already produced medical certificate in one office, should not. If transferred to another office without break in his service. Advised not to insist on the production of medical certificate of fitness on subsequent appointments in cases where a government servant has already produced b medical certificate on his first entry into government service provided that there is no break in his service.

Special thanks to Mr. Nasir Mahmood Khan for sending the copy of the document of Medical Fitness Certificate on First Entry into Government Service.


Medical Fitness Certificate



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