Grant of M.Phil Allowance Balochistan M.Phil Degree Holders @ 5000/- Per Month

Government of Balochistan, Finance Department has issued Notification on 11-04-2018 in connection with Grant of M.Phil Allowance Balochistan M.Phil Degree Holders @ 5000/- Per Month. Detail is as under:

Reference to this Department’s circulars No.FD(R)III.42/95/1058` 1115 dated 28th May, 1995,, No.FD(R-I)III`42/2012/3161 -3311 dated 24th September, 2012, No.FD(R-I)III`42/2015/430 -550 dated 3rd  March, 2015, letter No.FD(R-I)III`42/2016/1762 dated 4th August, 2016 addressed to the Accountant General Balochistan and in supersession of circular No.FD(R-I)III`2/2009/846 -946 dated 25th May, 2009, Government of Balochistan has been pleased to allow / extend the M.Phil. Allowance @ Rs.5,000/- p.m. to M.S. Degree Holders of this Provincial Government, duly recognized / declared as equivalent to M.Phil. Degree by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), with immediate effect.

  1. The existing terms and conditions of admissibility of the above Allowance will remain the same as specified in the above referred circulars.


M.Phil Allowance Balochistan


See also  Notification of Declaration of Gawadar as Big City

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