Notification of Grant 50% Civil Secretariat Allowance on Running Basic Pay

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification of Grant 50% Civil Secretariat Allowance on Running Basic Pay on 26-05-2018. Summary is as under:

I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to grant “Civil Secretariat Allowance” @ 50% on running Basic Scales 2017 w.e.f. 01.01.2018 to the employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat, Governor’s House/Secretariat, and Chief Minister’s Office (BS-1 to BS-22), who are drawing their pay from the payroll of Civil Secretariat Department, Governor’s House/Secretariat and Chief Minister’s Office. The said allowance will not be treated as a part of emoluments for the purpose of calculation of pension/commutation.

Civil Secretariat Allowance will not be admissible to the following categories:

(i)   The officers/officials of Punjab Civil Secretariat Department, Governor’s House/ Secretariat and Chief Minister’s Office on deputation or posted by transfer outside the Secretariat, Governor’s House/ Secretariat and Chief Minster’s Office including Attached Department, field formations and Autonomous Bodies. Further details at the copy of the Notification of Grant 50% Civil Secretariat Allowance on Running Basic Pay.

Special thanks:

  • Mr. Ali Akbar
  • Mr. Zahid Khan


Grant 50% Civil Secretariat Allowance

Grant 50% Civil Secretariat Allowance 2018


See also  Notification Disparity reduction Allowance (DRA) 2022 @ 15% of Running Basic Pay Federal

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